Saturday, January 31, 2009
Once upon a time there were two monks who had lived together for 40 years and never had a squabble. Not even once. One day, one monk said to the other: "Don't you think it's about time we had a squabble, even if it's just once?"
"Sure," replied the other monk. "Let's get started right away. About what shall we squabble?"
"About this piece of bread perhaps?" the first monk offered.
"Ok, let's have a squabble over this bread. How are we going to go about this?" Asked the other again.
"This bread is mine, and mine alone," said the first monk.
"Oh yeah? Well you can keep it," said the second monk.
From Anthony de Mello: The way of Silence
"Sure," replied the other monk. "Let's get started right away. About what shall we squabble?"
"About this piece of bread perhaps?" the first monk offered.
"Ok, let's have a squabble over this bread. How are we going to go about this?" Asked the other again.
"This bread is mine, and mine alone," said the first monk.
"Oh yeah? Well you can keep it," said the second monk.
From Anthony de Mello: The way of Silence
Friday, January 30, 2009
Richard Bandler: 30 years of NLP
"I don't have patients, I have students, so far I haven't found anybody that's mentally ill. Been looking seriously for 35 years I haven't met anybody who's mentally ill, met a lot of people that are very stupid. Especially when I went to Washington DC, place is filled with 'em."
"A lot of people have accused me of being a Guru, I'm just not that fucking sociable. Excuse me. I go off and do stuff by myself and I report back, that's the way I do things. Lots of people wanna follow me but they discover that's really difficult to do."
"How do you deal with habits, you use the truth! That's how you do it. How do you get people to change, you tell them the truth, and then you give them only the alternative of remaining the same and going into unbelievable pain and discomfort. For example: You can keep your bad habit, but I always add 4 or 5 more with it, you wanna keep smoking? That's fine but you're gonna be impotent until you quit, you'd be surprised how many guys change the habit right away. Huhuhuh."
"They brought me into this mental hospital, this guy was into one of the dayrooms. He was walking around, acting pretty weird. But of course they gave him bad drugs to start with. If you want people to be sane don't give them bad drugs, Thorazine is never gonna help anybody to get a firmer handle on reality, it's not gonna teach you to be happy, it's an anti-happy drug. Elleville(?), takes all the highs and all the lows away...
If you want people to be happy, you get the drugs out of their system and give them something to be happy about. The first thing they have to do is to practice. Most of every single day, this is what I found out, all these years and all these clients I found out everybody's practicing everyday to see how bad they can feel."
Richard Bandler
Chances of an "Athiest" believing in God

From the lol-comments on MyConfinedSpace (original post here):
"I believe in God but I believe he’s an asshole." sutenvulf
“What do atheists scream when they come?” Bill Hicks.
Once there was a woman of who was told she had visions of God. She went to the bishop to ask for advice. "Maybe you are only imagining it," he told her. "You have to understand that only me, as bishop of the bishopric, can determine if your visions are real, or fake.
"Yes, monseigneur."
"That is namely one of my responsibilities and duties."
"Of course, monseigneur."
"So you have to do as I say."
"I certainly will, monseigneur."
"All right then, listen. The next time God appears to you, as he has according to you done before, you have to perform a test wherefrom I can determine if it really was God.
"Agreed, monseigneur. And what kind of test?"
"Ask then from God: "Would you please tell me what sins the bishop has in secret?" If it really is God that appears to you, he will definitely tell you my sins. Then come to me and tell me, but nobody else, which those are."
"I will, monseigneur."
A month later the woman schedules another appointment with the bishop. "And, did God appear to you again?" he asked her.
"I believe so, monseigneur."
"And what did God say?"
"God said: "Tell the bishop I've already forgiven his sins."
From Anthony de Mello: The way of Silence
"Yes, monseigneur."
"That is namely one of my responsibilities and duties."
"Of course, monseigneur."
"So you have to do as I say."
"I certainly will, monseigneur."
"All right then, listen. The next time God appears to you, as he has according to you done before, you have to perform a test wherefrom I can determine if it really was God.
"Agreed, monseigneur. And what kind of test?"
"Ask then from God: "Would you please tell me what sins the bishop has in secret?" If it really is God that appears to you, he will definitely tell you my sins. Then come to me and tell me, but nobody else, which those are."
"I will, monseigneur."
A month later the woman schedules another appointment with the bishop. "And, did God appear to you again?" he asked her.
"I believe so, monseigneur."
"And what did God say?"
"God said: "Tell the bishop I've already forgiven his sins."
From Anthony de Mello: The way of Silence
Nasadiya, Rig Veda Book 10, Hymn 129.

neither existence
nor non existence
space was not yet
and nothing beyond
What was hidden?
By whom?
Was there water
impenetrable and deep?
2. Death did not exist
nor deathlessness
no sign as yet
of night or day
only the One
self impelled
breathing without breath
nothing else.
3. At first
darkness wrapped around darkness
all was shoreless water,
The One, hidden by the void
in fiery heat
4. Passion arose
the seed of mind.
Seers, searching
the wisdom
in their hearts
discovered the bond
with being
5. A ray of light
spread out
what was above
what below?
There were seed bearers
mighty forces
thrust out
moving far beyond
6. Who truly knows?
Who can say?
Where was it born?
How did it come forth?
The gods came later
who knows how this creation
came into being?
7. That source from where
creation came
did it hold or not?
Only the one
who presides over
the highest space knows
He surely knows
or can it be
that he does not know?
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Sword of Truth: Legend of the Seeker

This is gonna be a basic post cause in the first minute spent on wikipedia I had a major spoiler explode in my face, damn you demons who update this wikihell of spoilers! Whatever happened to spoiler alert, not necessary on the most popular encyclopedia of the world? Call me the Seeker, of Spoiler Alerts!

Richard Cypher, Cypher: a message written in a secret code (can be a good or bad msg, in the matrix, it's bad hehe), an obscure woods guide who would never amount to anything. In other words, obscure li'l you. Anyone can be the Seeker and take up the Hero's Journey. A sort of alchemical metaphorical story for the path of any real Seeker. Check out the Radical Myth podcasts at Radical Change Group.
This is more from the books than the series:
Richard learned to channel his rage using the Sword of Truth, given to him by the wizard Zedd. The Sword of Truth channels Richard's anger into great strength and power, but he can only use the blade to harm those he believes to be truly evil. He also learns to channel love into the Sword. When he does, he can kill anyone, innocent or not - he hates that fact more than the anger.
The Sword of Truth, a great metaphor for "Reason". So Reason can channel Anger into great strength and motivation. And basically the Sword of the good guys is only used in defense. A more interesting metaphor is that we may hurt who we believe we don't like, but usually end up hurting the ones we love much more, so tread wisely on life's path Seeker.

Zedd: "Young people! Everything is black and white, either or!" (Catmas!)
Zedd: Where there is no way, the Seeker will find a path! Lesson number four.
Richard: You said the last one was number four.
Zedd: Number five then!
Richard: ... Are you just making these up?

So any obscure person from the most unlikely upbringing, can take up the role of a Seeker, through synchronicity find a few Wizards to learn from (but don't confuse a wizard with a salesman...), be honest (confessor) and face the darkness and lies (Darken Rahl) to find the Truth. See Joseph Campbell's work for more on the Hero's Journey, like the Hero with a Thousand Faces. Check out the Radical Myth podcasts at Radical Change Group. Journey well on your own path Seeker!
G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra

The General Meaning
Kî Žî intimates progress and success in small matters. There will be advantage in being firm and correct. There has been good fortune in the beginning; there may be disorder in the end. The transition from confusion to order is completed, and everything is in its proper place even in particulars. The strong lines are in the strong places, the weak lines in the weak places. This is a very favorable outlook, yet it gives reason for thought. For it is just when perfect equilibrium has been reached that any movement may cause order to revert to disorder.
Explanation of the separate lines
1. The first NINE, undivided, (shows its subject as a driver) who drags back his wheel, (or as a fox) which has wet his tail. There will be no error.
2. The second SIX, divided, (shows its subject as) a wife who has lost her (carriage-)screen. There is no occasion to go in pursuit of it. In seven days she will find it.
3. The third NINE, undivided, (suggests the case of) Kâo Žung, who attacked the Demon region, but was three years in subduing it. Small men should not be employed (in such enterprises).
4. The fourth SIX, divided, shows its subject with rags provided against any leak (in his boat), and on his guard all day long.
5. The fifth NINE, undivided, shows its subject (as) the neighbour in the east who slaughters an ox (for his sacrifice); but this is not equal to the (small) spring sacrifice of the neighbour in the west, whose sincerity receives the blessing.
6. The topmost SIX, divided, shows its subject with (even) his head immersed. The position is perilous. More. Thanks to tommy in comments!
2. The second SIX, divided, (shows its subject as) a wife who has lost her (carriage-)screen. There is no occasion to go in pursuit of it. In seven days she will find it.
3. The third NINE, undivided, (suggests the case of) Kâo Žung, who attacked the Demon region, but was three years in subduing it. Small men should not be employed (in such enterprises).
4. The fourth SIX, divided, shows its subject with rags provided against any leak (in his boat), and on his guard all day long.
5. The fifth NINE, undivided, shows its subject (as) the neighbour in the east who slaughters an ox (for his sacrifice); but this is not equal to the (small) spring sacrifice of the neighbour in the west, whose sincerity receives the blessing.
6. The topmost SIX, divided, shows its subject with (even) his head immersed. The position is perilous. More. Thanks to tommy in comments!

Because Storm Shadow needs new pyjamas is why.

Seriously, all they had to do was put metal on the head. Too much to ask?

(One of the good guys is called 'Duke', tss)

No need to freak out, I'm not linking Cobra Commander to Buddha
and find it kinda unfathomable that the creators of GI Joe managed to.
Though the sync-nificance can be as far as it can be close, no need to link directly.

Monday, January 26, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Mind & Perception Quotes

Dr. Seuss
"As we've noted language is a very strong force binding us to our cultured perceptions of reality, dominating the internal landscape of mind, so much so that it can become an obstacle to the goals of the metaprogrammer. Logic and rationality, it seems, serve more to re-enforce our conditioned beliefs than allow us to bypass them and change their foundations."
"The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age."
H.P. Lovecraft
"We do not have to visit a madhouse to find disordered minds, our planet is the mental institution of the universe."
Friedrich Nietzsche
"Nothing pains some people more than having to think."
Martin Luther King, Jr

Kashmir - Surfing the Warm Industry
"A fanatic is a man who consciously over compensates a secret doubt." (or a fanatic girl, see Saved, I catched a part of it on cable, by accident! ;p)
Aldous Huxley
"People are afraid, very much afraid of those who know themselves. They have a certain power, a certain aura and a certain magnetism, a charisma that can take out alive, young people from the traditional imprisonment. The awakened man cannot be enslaved - that is the difficulty - and he cannot be imprisoned. Every genius who has known something of the inner is bound to be a little difficult to be absorbed; he is going to be an upsetting force. The masses don't want to be disturbed, even though they may be in misery; they are in misery, but they are accustomed to the misery. And anybody who is not miserable looks like a stranger. The awakened man is the greatest stranger in the world; he does not seem to belong to anybody. No organization confines him, no community, no society, no nation."
Osho The Zen Manifesto: Freedom from Oneself Chapter 9
"Given the fact that there are these 20% of highly suggestible people, it becomes quite clear that this is a matter of enormous political importance, for example, any demagogue who is able to get hold of a large number of these 20% of suggestible people and to organize them is really in a position to overthrow any government in any country."
Aldous Huxley. March 20, 1962 Berkeley (haha, 20%, that's rich)

Marcus Aurelius
"Whether drugs lead to illumination or degradation depends on the spirit in which one takes them."
George Andrews
"Cut off from the world by our own despair."
Douglas P., Death in June
"Single-mindedness is all very well in cows or baboons; in an animal claiming to belong to the same species as Shakespeare it is simply disgraceful."
Aldous Huxley
"One may say that evil does not exist for Subjective man at all, that there exist only different conceptions of good. Nobody ever does anything deliberately in the interests of evil, for the sake of evil. Everybody acts in the interests of good, as he understands it. But everybody understands it in a different way. Consequently men drown, slay, and kill one another in the interests of good".
G.I. Gurdjieff
Picture sources have been linked, found in random google image searches.
Bedtime Stories, Belief Systems and the 'Annoying Entities'
"Your fun is only limited by your imagination."
Marty Bronson
Marty Bronson
"[during the gumball shower] This... is... spooky."
Skeeter Bronson
Skeeter Bronson
I saw this with one eye. I didn't like the movie really, though I have to admit often I just can't help myself and when watching a movie I just get bored quickly and pick up the guitar, now that I see the trailer again I didn't even know the Bedtime Stories came true. I guess the music got more attention! Ok so I saw it with one half eye, hehe. Anyway that doesn't stop me from doing an interesting post on it.
Bedtime Stories has the same abbreviation as Belief System. If we 'upgrade' our Belief System or Reality Tunnel with the concept of synchronicity for instance we will obviously be experiencing more synchronicities, meaningful subjective coincidences, not only cause of the concept of confirmation bias, the tendency to search for or interpret new information in a way that confirms one's preconceptions and avoids information and interpretations which contradict prior beliefs. But also cause well, reality is weird I guess. I don't pretend to understand how or why this happens, simple consciousness before matter? But it's a lot of fun! More fun than seeing reality as a meaningless machine in my opinion. Gumballs don't fall out of the sky necessarily, but things can get hilariously interesting and weird. This 23 enigma vid illustrates synchronicity nicely.
The Belief System goes both ways, it both has the capability to enhance as well as limit our lives by what we include into it (mostly unconsciously). One way to overcome limitations, is using catmas, relative meta-opinions of which multiple even contradicting ones can be held in one's consciousness at a time, instead of dogmas... regular beliefs, which are emotionally and territorially defended, not rationally.
A part of Bedtime Stories, is we used to be teased as kids by grownups, that at midnight the ghosts come out. I don't recommend doing this with kids personally, it's not too beneficial for Circuit 1 & 2 imprinting.
Yesterday I went to a buddy's house. His girl said she had been experiencing really weird things, she had contacted people on a forum who had gotten her all riled up. She said she felt pains, her cellphone acted weird, her dog and cats acted weird, she felt temperature changes. These are obviously common "ghost symptoms" that are told and probably were told to her on that forum. Funny that these people think they were helping her, by laying incredible amounts of B.S. on her.
She asked me what I thought and I give my "I believe nothing but explore it all", I told her about confirmation bias, mental projection, and that she most likely has nothing to worry about, and should be careful what she reads online as there are so many charlatans and people whose belief systems have gotten ahead of them. So she shows us a movie in her car that she filmed when feeling weird things in her neck. We watched her movie and holy freaking superlatives it really looked like a terrifying entity biting in her neck from behind her seat 3 times in a row, sticking around the third time for a longer bite.
My buddy asked her to send it to his cell, mean while regardless of what is going on and to make sure this stuff is done with, I teach her a grounding and shielding visualisation exercise, along with the deep breathing I posted about earlier, and letting her anchor it pressing her thumb and index finger together. So anytime she uses it, all she has to do is do the hand motion, and she knows she's safe, no matter what is really going on.
I was really kinda startled, the movie was pretty impressive and freaky. "Okaay... that's interesting" I said, "heh, I thought this stuff was nonsense but may be there's something to it after all, still I believe nothing." At the least, the girl had been understood so she could feel a little better and now had a simple technique to relax again. My buddy upped the video from the cell to his computer and through the tv-out we watched the video on the tv. It was... the girl's hair. Haha, incredible how confirmation bias can color something so profoundly.
But then... we were startled from hearing three loud noises on the window, "what the hell's going on now!", but we quickly realized it was a buddy taking the way around the house as often happens, but not so much in winter. He came in, drunk with a colleague we hadn't met before, also drunk. There were the annoying entities lol!
Bedtime Stories has the same abbreviation as Belief System. If we 'upgrade' our Belief System or Reality Tunnel with the concept of synchronicity for instance we will obviously be experiencing more synchronicities, meaningful subjective coincidences, not only cause of the concept of confirmation bias, the tendency to search for or interpret new information in a way that confirms one's preconceptions and avoids information and interpretations which contradict prior beliefs. But also cause well, reality is weird I guess. I don't pretend to understand how or why this happens, simple consciousness before matter? But it's a lot of fun! More fun than seeing reality as a meaningless machine in my opinion. Gumballs don't fall out of the sky necessarily, but things can get hilariously interesting and weird. This 23 enigma vid illustrates synchronicity nicely.
The Belief System goes both ways, it both has the capability to enhance as well as limit our lives by what we include into it (mostly unconsciously). One way to overcome limitations, is using catmas, relative meta-opinions of which multiple even contradicting ones can be held in one's consciousness at a time, instead of dogmas... regular beliefs, which are emotionally and territorially defended, not rationally.
A part of Bedtime Stories, is we used to be teased as kids by grownups, that at midnight the ghosts come out. I don't recommend doing this with kids personally, it's not too beneficial for Circuit 1 & 2 imprinting.
Yesterday I went to a buddy's house. His girl said she had been experiencing really weird things, she had contacted people on a forum who had gotten her all riled up. She said she felt pains, her cellphone acted weird, her dog and cats acted weird, she felt temperature changes. These are obviously common "ghost symptoms" that are told and probably were told to her on that forum. Funny that these people think they were helping her, by laying incredible amounts of B.S. on her.
She asked me what I thought and I give my "I believe nothing but explore it all", I told her about confirmation bias, mental projection, and that she most likely has nothing to worry about, and should be careful what she reads online as there are so many charlatans and people whose belief systems have gotten ahead of them. So she shows us a movie in her car that she filmed when feeling weird things in her neck. We watched her movie and holy freaking superlatives it really looked like a terrifying entity biting in her neck from behind her seat 3 times in a row, sticking around the third time for a longer bite.
My buddy asked her to send it to his cell, mean while regardless of what is going on and to make sure this stuff is done with, I teach her a grounding and shielding visualisation exercise, along with the deep breathing I posted about earlier, and letting her anchor it pressing her thumb and index finger together. So anytime she uses it, all she has to do is do the hand motion, and she knows she's safe, no matter what is really going on.
I was really kinda startled, the movie was pretty impressive and freaky. "Okaay... that's interesting" I said, "heh, I thought this stuff was nonsense but may be there's something to it after all, still I believe nothing." At the least, the girl had been understood so she could feel a little better and now had a simple technique to relax again. My buddy upped the video from the cell to his computer and through the tv-out we watched the video on the tv. It was... the girl's hair. Haha, incredible how confirmation bias can color something so profoundly.
"'Seeing' is not a function of the eyes alone, but of the eyes-and-brain working together. A popular proverb says, 'Seeing is believing,' but as the philosopher Santayana once pointed out, humans are much better at believing than at seeing." (that goes for hearing, feeling, etc too)I said, "haha, AWESOME!", my buddy laughed along "yeah?" he said, I said "yeah man, geez the opposite would have been f'd up" ;p She, and her favorite movies are scary ones btw, wanted to find another video. Then the dog started whining in the bedroom, she said "see, when there's something up he always acts up too." So she got him out and he was whining from the room, to the couch, and from the couch, to the floor again. Though he hasn't been in optimal health for a some time.
Robert Anton Wilson
But then... we were startled from hearing three loud noises on the window, "what the hell's going on now!", but we quickly realized it was a buddy taking the way around the house as often happens, but not so much in winter. He came in, drunk with a colleague we hadn't met before, also drunk. There were the annoying entities lol!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Newsance... I call it... *update 28/1
First of all my condoleances to the victims of this atrocity in Belgium which has everybody here obviously shocked. I'm sure most have read or heard already, if not, just read on. The media, released and still is releasing many conflicting reports on it (even worse in international media) on the one hand I wonder how this is even possible with such a sensitive case, on the other hand, big news and emotions running wild, I don't know. The international media acted even dumber, can you blame translation errors for the most erroneous reports? I don't know. Notably the sensationalist English papers who threw sensitivity entirely out the window on more than one occasion.
To clarify let's sum up the latest version, which is still largely unconfirmed & might change:
The entire country is shook up by a horrible triple murder that took place yesterday morning. A 20 year old guy, Kim De Gelder (anagram: Ledger), media tagline: "a loner"..., face not painted white, eyes not blackened but just very pale and tired eyes (reports of this may have changed again! latest I heard: he didn't have make up on... but had it in its backpack, eh?! ;p), with ginger hair... killed 2 babies under 1 year old and a nursery attendent and wounded tens of other babies and toddlers, most of which are out of intensive care today. His motives still aren't clear, he is still not cooperating.
He got in through security of the Fairytales crèche in Dendermonde with the excuse that he wanted to ask something. He stormed up the stairs, went straight to the baby ward where he swung his knife around, cutting mostly in the head and throat areas... then went to the toddlers and did the same.
He threw away his knife near the scene and escaped by bicycle. Police mobilized even with helicopters and captured him a few kilometers further in Lebbeke (quite a feat if you know Belgian law enforcement's track record). According to an eye witness of the arrest: "They pulled him off his bike, there was a short struggle/no resistance and police pulled down his pants so he couldn't run away. They pulled up his shirt and he was wearing a bulletproof vest. In his bag a change of clothes, fake gun, another knife and an axe were visible." Two more knives were found at the scene of the crime.
During questioning, he was not cooperative the entire first day as well as today. He gave up at least 5 different names, repeated over and over again he did not know his real name. He was also laughing, constantly. He is still not cooperating. He had a job in a departement store, in the warehouse. Former collegues say he was a quiet guy, or was laughing, or was talking about his preference for strange movies. He quit his job two weeks ago.
His identity has been confirmed but not released. It's been said initially that the individual has no known psychiatric history (weird I said at first, and indeed, latest update: He was in depressions in high school and his folks tried to have him committed 2 years ago at age 18 cause he never spoke the psychologists and psychiatrists at the time didn't think it necessary, he was on ANTIDEPRESSIVES, wouldn't ya know it.) and did not have a crime record. He was also sober during the atrocity.
He had a note with him, with 3 (latest report: 2) other addresses which illustrated some preparation was done (along with the bulletproof vest). One was confirmed to be the Sunshine crèche. He had also written on the note that he planned to kill 75 people. His house has been searched and his computer confiscated.
The rescue workers were in tears, some of their own children at the scene, and had to switch to automatic pilot to even be able to help the many victims.
One eye witness who saw him flee on his bike was irritably smiling when talking on camera, I know some people smile when nervous but still, very wrong. He said "the eyes were blackened and dirty ginger hair."
Another witness who lived behind the crèche, but from quite a distance thought he saw the kids playing tag with the killer... and saw him ride his bike away in pure calmness.
30.000 people on facebook clicked their mouse to express their sympathy... On newspaper sites, the emotional reactions went in all directions, I stopped reading after five of them, not like I was expecting anything sensible there...
When I saw the image of "Lady Justice" in the background on a huge screen on flemish channel VTM, the thought came up - that along with other crimes for instance in Norway yesterday where a policeman shot his former girlfriend (who was according to initial reports a student teacher) and her new lover dead and then killed himself... on the parking lot of a school - the balance had to be tipped from all the hope of the last days...
There are some obvious MK hints, though also counter arguments and I'm not a fan of confirmation bias. Lots of Ledger resonance with the name being an anagram, and the media hyping the Joker connections, the supposed did he or did he not wear white makeup (and why does the police now report there was some in his backpack but not on his face?!). etc. Many questions remain and I'll believe nothing until more is clear and yet after that, remember labels here are possible labels. Links: The Copycat Effect, Through the Looking Glass, Pseudoccult media and Elluminati.
In other newsance, Obama supports warrantless wiretapping. Boo. Finally back to normalcy...
Israel has admitted the use of white phosphorus during the Palestinian massacre, after denying despite photographic and video evidence. Nearly 1,300 Palestinians, the majority being civilians, died and nearly 500 were injured during the three-week offensive. Israel says that 13 of their soldiers were also killed. 13, 1300, do the math. There were protests today against the BBC because they won't air a commercial to financially support the victims in Gaza.
To clarify let's sum up the latest version, which is still largely unconfirmed & might change:
The entire country is shook up by a horrible triple murder that took place yesterday morning. A 20 year old guy, Kim De Gelder (anagram: Ledger), media tagline: "a loner"..., face not painted white, eyes not blackened but just very pale and tired eyes (reports of this may have changed again! latest I heard: he didn't have make up on... but had it in its backpack, eh?! ;p), with ginger hair... killed 2 babies under 1 year old and a nursery attendent and wounded tens of other babies and toddlers, most of which are out of intensive care today. His motives still aren't clear, he is still not cooperating.
He got in through security of the Fairytales crèche in Dendermonde with the excuse that he wanted to ask something. He stormed up the stairs, went straight to the baby ward where he swung his knife around, cutting mostly in the head and throat areas... then went to the toddlers and did the same.
He threw away his knife near the scene and escaped by bicycle. Police mobilized even with helicopters and captured him a few kilometers further in Lebbeke (quite a feat if you know Belgian law enforcement's track record). According to an eye witness of the arrest: "They pulled him off his bike, there was a short struggle/no resistance and police pulled down his pants so he couldn't run away. They pulled up his shirt and he was wearing a bulletproof vest. In his bag a change of clothes, fake gun, another knife and an axe were visible." Two more knives were found at the scene of the crime.
During questioning, he was not cooperative the entire first day as well as today. He gave up at least 5 different names, repeated over and over again he did not know his real name. He was also laughing, constantly. He is still not cooperating. He had a job in a departement store, in the warehouse. Former collegues say he was a quiet guy, or was laughing, or was talking about his preference for strange movies. He quit his job two weeks ago.
His identity has been confirmed but not released. It's been said initially that the individual has no known psychiatric history (weird I said at first, and indeed, latest update: He was in depressions in high school and his folks tried to have him committed 2 years ago at age 18 cause he never spoke the psychologists and psychiatrists at the time didn't think it necessary, he was on ANTIDEPRESSIVES, wouldn't ya know it.) and did not have a crime record. He was also sober during the atrocity.
He had a note with him, with 3 (latest report: 2) other addresses which illustrated some preparation was done (along with the bulletproof vest). One was confirmed to be the Sunshine crèche. He had also written on the note that he planned to kill 75 people. His house has been searched and his computer confiscated.
The rescue workers were in tears, some of their own children at the scene, and had to switch to automatic pilot to even be able to help the many victims.
One eye witness who saw him flee on his bike was irritably smiling when talking on camera, I know some people smile when nervous but still, very wrong. He said "the eyes were blackened and dirty ginger hair."
Another witness who lived behind the crèche, but from quite a distance thought he saw the kids playing tag with the killer... and saw him ride his bike away in pure calmness.
30.000 people on facebook clicked their mouse to express their sympathy... On newspaper sites, the emotional reactions went in all directions, I stopped reading after five of them, not like I was expecting anything sensible there...
When I saw the image of "Lady Justice" in the background on a huge screen on flemish channel VTM, the thought came up - that along with other crimes for instance in Norway yesterday where a policeman shot his former girlfriend (who was according to initial reports a student teacher) and her new lover dead and then killed himself... on the parking lot of a school - the balance had to be tipped from all the hope of the last days...
There are some obvious MK hints, though also counter arguments and I'm not a fan of confirmation bias. Lots of Ledger resonance with the name being an anagram, and the media hyping the Joker connections, the supposed did he or did he not wear white makeup (and why does the police now report there was some in his backpack but not on his face?!). etc. Many questions remain and I'll believe nothing until more is clear and yet after that, remember labels here are possible labels. Links: The Copycat Effect, Through the Looking Glass, Pseudoccult media and Elluminati.
In other newsance, Obama supports warrantless wiretapping. Boo. Finally back to normalcy...
Israel has admitted the use of white phosphorus during the Palestinian massacre, after denying despite photographic and video evidence. Nearly 1,300 Palestinians, the majority being civilians, died and nearly 500 were injured during the three-week offensive. Israel says that 13 of their soldiers were also killed. 13, 1300, do the math. There were protests today against the BBC because they won't air a commercial to financially support the victims in Gaza.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Lost in Time (Lost, BSG & TSCC)

The wheel of time or wheel of history is a concept in several religions and philosophies, notably religions of Indian origin such as Buddhism and Hinduism, which regard time as cyclical and consisting of repeating ages. Many other notable cultures also believe in this Wheel of Time: notably, the Q'ero Indians in Peru who are the direct descendants of the Incan empire, as well as the Hopi Indians of Arizona, believe in this cyclical idea of time.

3 Shows & 3 plots (more?) that include the manipulation of time or
cyclical nature of time involved in Saving the World or Mankind.
"I have full sympathy [for Ben]. I believe he has a mission and an agenda that he hasn't shared with us yet. The survival of the earth may depend on Ben's work, so it justifies his ruthless behavior. Maybe I'm just fantasizing or deluding myself."
—Actor Michael Emerson, who plays Ben
"That's what my father does - he manipulates people.
He makes you think it's your idea but it's his."
—Alex in "The Man From Tallahassee"
During Ben's turning, we see a shot of the Chariot
—Actor Michael Emerson, who plays Ben
"That's what my father does - he manipulates people.
He makes you think it's your idea but it's his."
—Alex in "The Man From Tallahassee"
During Ben's turning, we see a shot of the Chariot

Structurally, the Chariot follows the Lovers. After the impulse that pulls us out of the Garden, we get on our chariot and depart. At that point, we are the Hero of our own story; maybe the Hero of everyone’s story. (As Ben is now as he needs to help get Hurley & co back to the Island) He might represent Helios, the Greek god who drives the Sun’s chariot across the sky, bringing light to the earth. The danger of this card is well illustrated by the myth of PhaĂ«ton. Among other things, this story illustrates the danger of reaching too high, unprepared.
The Chariot is Key Seven of the Major Arcana. In classical astrology, there were seven things that predictably wandered against the fixed stars. Mastering those planets meant mastering the system. The Chariot represents the possibility of traveling through the mysteries of the universe.
The four cylons revealed at the end of Season 3 (Samuel Anders, Chief Galen Tyrol, Tory Foster and Colonel Saul Tigh) discover, through flashbacks they experience while wandering around a shoreline, that they had lived on Earth, 2000 years ago, in a previous lifetime.
On Earth, Tigh converses with D'Anna Biers. She says she is devastated by the knowledge that history repeats itself endlessly. Faced with the choice of being constantly hunted by Cavil or dying on the planet, she chooses to remain behind.
Afterwards, Tigh walks into the water on a nearby shore, starts searching in the waves, visibly disoriented, and pulls out what appears to be the numbered lid of a post office box. This evokes a vision of himself, now searching through a heavily damaged building in which rows of mailbox hatches like the one he found in the water can be seen right after the first nuclear explosions on Earth 2000 years ago, looking for his wife, Ellen Tigh. He finds Ellen in the wreckage, dying, trapped under debris. While there seems to be no chance of rescuing her, Ellen consoles Saul, saying that "everything is in place", and that they will be "reborn, again, together." A nuclear blast obliterates both in the vision. Tigh's vision ends as he realizes Ellen was the fifth of the Final Five Cylons.
Pink Floyd - Time (live) [Notice the Kurzweil Synthesizer ;p]
The Chariot is Key Seven of the Major Arcana. In classical astrology, there were seven things that predictably wandered against the fixed stars. Mastering those planets meant mastering the system. The Chariot represents the possibility of traveling through the mysteries of the universe.
Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles
John Connor sends back soldiers and Terminators in time
to help save earth as early as possible.
to help save earth as early as possible.
Battlestar Galactica
Earth is revealed to have been populated by Cylons until a nuclear war, 2000 years in the past. Starbuck tracks the homing signal and finds her own remains on the planet. The identity of the fifth of the Final Five Cylons is revealed.
On Earth, Tigh converses with D'Anna Biers. She says she is devastated by the knowledge that history repeats itself endlessly. Faced with the choice of being constantly hunted by Cavil or dying on the planet, she chooses to remain behind.

Also see: After all, what is time, a mere Tyranny?
Pink Floyd - Time (live) [Notice the Kurzweil Synthesizer ;p]
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Fibonacci Sequence in Tool's Lateralus
Fibonacci Sequence in Tool's Lateralus
I can finally play this song on electric guitar since recently too. Words cannot describe how awesome that feels (never took lessons!). Tool are musical geniuses, check out in this video how the Divine Ratio aka Fibonacci Sequence is worked into this amazing song, which is one of the few songs I listened to on repeat daily for months at one time.
For more fascinating Music Explorations check out the HOWMusic(k) Blog and its new excellent Baby Brother. Btw, I'm sure some will enjoy this at the latter: Doomsday Prophet Alan Watt (no S!) exposed. Thanks again Ezra!
The Radical Change Group
The Radical Change Group
Check out the Radical Change Group for inspirational podcasts, blogposts, etc!
The Difference Between NLP Dedroidify Therapy and Conventional Psychology/Psychiatry
With gracious permission of one of my clients, J. who I am helping out of a depression and making the shift from pessimist to optimist, to illustrate the difference he experienced between my NLP and conventional therapy:
The difference between conventional talking therapy and Neurolinguistic Programming, is NLP actually modelled psychologists who knew how to do their job and effect change rapidly and effectively, like Virginia Satyr, Fritz Perls and Milton Erickson. On the difference Richard Bandler, one of the founders of NLP, hilariously said this:
What happens in Neurolinguistic Programming? Well it's not a listening session! The NLP therapist finds out the core challenges, motivates the client to use his/her own creativity in applying solutions, helps the client immediately to rearrange the inner world and experiencing, teaches the client an entire toolbox of techniques customizable to their own needs, and most importantly: applies everything that might help!
As for my own offered change therapy, I also teach anything what is of practical use and interest to the client, for instance the psychological use of meditation, practical psychology and much more. If you teach the client how the mind works, they can influence it themselves more succesfully. So when the therapy is over, the client has learned an entire range of new information and techniques that improve the rest of their lives and help them to realize they are the driver and not the passenger of their consciousness. As an incentive to people who are considering my therapeutic services, some more chronological kind words from J:
"I've seen therapists for the last six years, but it's more of a listening session than anything else, therefore, no help at all."This is what has motivated me to start NLP therapy, I felt I was good at it, and I haven't heard a single positive review of convential psychologists/psychiatrists, who charged a lot and are not helping their clients. Let's see how J. compares his former therapists to how I helped him:
"Whoa! You covered a lot in this session. Again, these are incredibly new therapies for me. Usually I'd go to a doctor and he'd just sit there and look at me, writing illegibly on some yellow legal pad. What great help that was. Did wonders. I'm kidding of course. The kind of lessons and ideas you present give me a kind of new paradigm to work with in my life."I know psychologists and psychiatrists learn a lot of theory, and then when they start their practice, they basically have to wing it. Most of them make plenty of money, but little change, therapeutically they crash to the ground instead of soaring with that winging.
The difference between conventional talking therapy and Neurolinguistic Programming, is NLP actually modelled psychologists who knew how to do their job and effect change rapidly and effectively, like Virginia Satyr, Fritz Perls and Milton Erickson. On the difference Richard Bandler, one of the founders of NLP, hilariously said this:
"It's not a therapy group, it's a training session - if you want to go to therapy, well, we can recommend some therapists who are very reliable, why some of their clients have seen them for 20 and 30 years."NLP is a sort of practical training. Often one session is all what it will take to get you confident enough to take care of your own consciousness from then on. I asked J. what the psychologists/psychiatrists he went to see for six years to no avail actually specifically suggested:
Richard Bandler
"As for my therapy sessions, they suggested once that I get angry. One doctor said, get angry, you should be mad, he told me. I said I wasn't very angry at anything, not very angry person. Then he dropped it. They tried to get me to date girls too, saying I needed someone to keep me "occupied". I wasn't having it.""Get angry, do some random dating. Time's up, see you next week." Geez. How has this paradigm not collapsed yet? Another example:
"The hypnotherapy might be something of interest to me. I've never had that kind of experience. One of the methods of my former psychiatrists was to put me in a chair and tense up my muscles and then release the tension. He gave me a cassette tape with his voice relying instructions. I guess it was his way of recreating meditation practices. It didn't help very much.So this guy at least used a short yoga exercise and made a poor Hypnosis/Guided Meditation tape, instead of using the expensive time to actually do a personal session that would have been of some use. When you have six houses and five boats, who has the time to care about their clients?
This was a guy who when I was talking about my problems would literally yawn with his mouth closed. Ever seen anyone do that? It's really annoying, especially when your spilling your guts to some wealthy doctor (and he was, he owns like six houses and has five boats and red mercedes benz I see him cruising around town in). My mom went to see him too for a while. She did not like his methods and stopped. I have since stopped as well." J.
What happens in Neurolinguistic Programming? Well it's not a listening session! The NLP therapist finds out the core challenges, motivates the client to use his/her own creativity in applying solutions, helps the client immediately to rearrange the inner world and experiencing, teaches the client an entire toolbox of techniques customizable to their own needs, and most importantly: applies everything that might help!
As for my own offered change therapy, I also teach anything what is of practical use and interest to the client, for instance the psychological use of meditation, practical psychology and much more. If you teach the client how the mind works, they can influence it themselves more succesfully. So when the therapy is over, the client has learned an entire range of new information and techniques that improve the rest of their lives and help them to realize they are the driver and not the passenger of their consciousness. As an incentive to people who are considering my therapeutic services, some more chronological kind words from J:
"Great first lesson."Thanks to J again for his agreement to post this and the wonderful and fast progress he's making. E-mail me at Dedroidify at Hotmail dot Com for more information. If you have any challenges consciousness wise, I'm your man!
"Thus far, it's been great."
"Tremendous insight. Very helpful, I appreciate it greatly."
"I must say I've read books on self-help and other philosophy oriented texts that have helped. However, I find this more helpful. It's probably because you can relate to my problems and put the solution in words I can understand and respect.
Thanks again for your time and your kind, inspiring words."
"Whoa! You covered a lot in this session. Again, these are incredibly new therapies for me. Usually I'd go to a doctor and he'd just sit there and look at me, writing illegibly on some yellow legal pad. What great help that was. Did wonders. I'm kidding of course. The kind of lessons and ideas you present give me a kind of new paradigm to work with in my life."
"I did the exercise five times and realized I am the one in control.
Thank you for your kindness and understanding. Great job thus far!"
"I'm glad I came to you. I"m very appreciative that you agreed to give me free lessons. "
"I'm looking forward to it. (Next Lesson)"
"I'm glad you took me on as a client. Regardless of anything, this has helped me tremendously. If you ever need a reference, or feedback, or anything along those lines, I'm your man. "
"Thanks so much again!"
"There is nothing permanent or compulsive in your system
except what you believe to be so."
Moshe Feldenkrais
except what you believe to be so."
Moshe Feldenkrais
Leaving Babylon/We're Only Gonna Die For Our Own Arrogance
Bad Religion - We're only gonna die
Sublime - Leaving Babylon/We're Only Gonna Die For our Own Arrogance
Say I'm leaving this Babylon. It will not be too long.
I said my people are starvin but your money's running.
Your dollar, dollar drop down real low. You ain't got no one to show.
That's why we're gonna take it right through that door.
Not gonna come back no more.
Early man walked away
As modern man took control
Their minds weren't all the same
To conquer was their goal
So he built his great empire
And he slaughtered his own kind
He died a confused man
And killed himself in his own mind, Let's go!
Biohazard - We're Only Gonna Die (Live)
Obama already exceeding my expectations, and more newsance
Suspending all Guantanamo "trials", the first step to closing Guantanamo (update: this year! woohoo!) and the bringing back of the Freedom of information act and transparancy in government. Most Excellent! That's already more than I expected from the entire term! Heh, he did have to retake the oath, oh oh, I guess I'd have been nervous too. But there's more good news! No more jackets required in the Oval office! Just kidding, here: New lobbying rules and freezing White House wages. Well played! I'll have a tiny slice of that hope-nosis now ;p.
Also, the conspiracynoids were a little too paranoid about surveillance and security of the US governement, check this out: New Staff finds White House in tech dark ages. "Obama officials ran smack into the constraints of the federal bureaucracy yesterday, encountering a jumble of disconnected phone lines, old computer software, and security regulations forbidding outside e-mail accounts. The team members, accustomed to working on Macintoshes, found computers outfitted with six-year-old versions of Microsoft software. But there were no missing letters from the computer keyboards, as Bush officials had complained of during their transition in 2001." ROFL. Appearances, appearances, at the highest peaks and the lowest valleys, appearances.
Though not getting carried away, Hillary Clinton just replaced Condoleezza Rice as the next ugly and batshit crazy Secretary of State.
And the bullshit in the media isn't over either, remember the article that global warming was disproved. CNN is upping the bullshit again, seriously. "Human-induced global warming is real, according to a recent U.S. survey based on the opinions of 3,146 scientists. However there remains divisions between climatologists and scientists from other areas of earth sciences as to the extent of human responsibility." Wow, you just destroyed the title of your article, with the first line. Good job "journalists" :p.
And Pakistan have arrested London Bombings suspects, that's a minimum of three groups being used as scapegoats for the London Bombings, nevermind the "terrorist drills" just like on 9/11, the "malfunctioning of all relevant cameras" in Big Brother London, and the incomprehensible police execution of de Menezes.
Also, the conspiracynoids were a little too paranoid about surveillance and security of the US governement, check this out: New Staff finds White House in tech dark ages. "Obama officials ran smack into the constraints of the federal bureaucracy yesterday, encountering a jumble of disconnected phone lines, old computer software, and security regulations forbidding outside e-mail accounts. The team members, accustomed to working on Macintoshes, found computers outfitted with six-year-old versions of Microsoft software. But there were no missing letters from the computer keyboards, as Bush officials had complained of during their transition in 2001." ROFL. Appearances, appearances, at the highest peaks and the lowest valleys, appearances.
Though not getting carried away, Hillary Clinton just replaced Condoleezza Rice as the next ugly and batshit crazy Secretary of State.
And the bullshit in the media isn't over either, remember the article that global warming was disproved. CNN is upping the bullshit again, seriously. "Human-induced global warming is real, according to a recent U.S. survey based on the opinions of 3,146 scientists. However there remains divisions between climatologists and scientists from other areas of earth sciences as to the extent of human responsibility." Wow, you just destroyed the title of your article, with the first line. Good job "journalists" :p.
And Pakistan have arrested London Bombings suspects, that's a minimum of three groups being used as scapegoats for the London Bombings, nevermind the "terrorist drills" just like on 9/11, the "malfunctioning of all relevant cameras" in Big Brother London, and the incomprehensible police execution of de Menezes.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Hellish Qliphoth & K2 Twin Tower Stargate -> 2BE Cube
Let's have some fun with the Conspiracy and Synchromystic Reality Tunnel (and not take this too seriously).
JIM TV is a Belgian music channel, crappy like all the other (MTV & TMF). JIM TV - with HELL YEAH! in its logo - is owned by VMMa, a Belgian Company that is responsible for VTM, the first sad commercial dumbing down whore of Belgian channels. Let's first look at a few funny, interesting, short video clips from JIM TV which are shown loads daily.

We'll catch you next time, hell yeah.
Catch the kids, huh? Hell yeah? ;p

Everything about you says you're gonna make it to the top.
Not too inspirational since it's directed at the viewer? There are several versions, one including politician Elio di Rupo. Or down the Rabbit Hole, well only in the case of the one with rabbit ears. The monkey sound is like a regressive catalyst or something ;p.
I possess the most powerful weapon in the Universe.
Atomic arms, or the media?!
Back to Business: Hell yeah.
Business, hell, what's the difference? ;p
(mini dutch/flemish lesson: "huidig"= adj. current, "toekomstig"= adj. future)
Another channel of VMMa was KA2, Kanaal Twee = Channel 2. Ka sounds like "K" in dutch, so effectivly K2 - the synchromystic mountain of Kosmic Konsciousness... not so much on this channel heh, it was changed to the 2BE Cube in 2007. 2 BE, To be, Be=Belgium.
"The 3 (spirit, mind, soul) descend into the 4 (the world), the sum being the 7, or the mystic nature of man, consisting of a threefold spiritual body and a fourfold material form. These are symbolized by the cube, which has six surfaces and a mysterious seventh point within..."
Manly P. Hall
Manly P. Hall
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
All hail the Symbol!
"The challenges are real! They are Sirius and many! But they will be met!" Obama
Well I can't say I didn't feel some YAAY HAHA when he took the oath, clumsily. You'd think he'd be able to repeat stuff by now! ;p Let's hope he is a catalyst for some change at least, those are some interesting promises. And don't get me wrong, I do appreciate the positive symbolism of his presidency. A few days ago, I saw a bit of Blazing Saddles for the first time, and I really had to chuckle at the symbolism at work, the synopsis of that movie:
"To ruin a western town, a corrupt political boss appoints a black sheriff,
who promptly becomes his most formidable adversary."
All the best Mr. President.
who promptly becomes his most formidable adversary."
All the best Mr. President.
All hail the Puppet!
James & Bobby Purify - I'm Your Puppet
Trivium - Pull Harder on the Strings of Your Martyr
Single & Live versions suck, but couldn't find album version. The lyrics of this I interpret to be about Bush, but what's the difference between puppets, anyway:
"It's our curse that makes this world so hopeless
Allowing our king to spread his genocidal wings"
Allowing our king to spread his genocidal wings"
I wonder what the Body Count of this American presidency shall be?

Highlights of that shitty concert: The sleeping kid behind Obama. Garth Brooks touching one of his guitar strings too loud when coming up. And Patti LaBelle very fittingly raping "A Change's gonna Come" in the worst way.
The award for Terrorist Country of the Year goes to Israel and we're only 2/3's into January. What do you know, they finished their mass murdering just before Obama's presidency. What a coincidence! (Thanks to achtdagenineenweek for the pic)
If there's anything to Novelty Theory/Timewave Zero and the Mayan Calender, I assume Obama will be assassinated. Gee, I wonder what kind of ideological scapegoat will be picked. Maybe they ought to compare him even more to Lincoln, JFK and MLK lol. I for one am just so thrilled that I won't have to hear the words "President-elect" anymore. Anyway, congratulations President Biden, President Brzezinski and all those other fucks. What a great day in BS filled consensus reality history, lol. The (new) world (order) will never be the same again!
Jesus, LOL!!!111

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