Friday, September 12, 2008

Rupert Sheldrake's The Extended Mind: Recent Experimental Evidence

Rupert Sheldrake's The Extended Mind: Recent Experimental Evidence

A lecture by Rupert Sheldrake at GoogleTechTalks


Anonymous said...

i also came across this google techtalk today (here), it also might interest you what he says though specially at the beginning.


Dedroidify said...

Thanks for that man, I really enjoyed the beginning of that vid, will post it on the blog too.

Auberon Barnable said...

Rupert is a genius. I never got around to listening to his lectures but this has inspired me.

Auberon Barnable said...

I read Arthur Koestler's "Roots of Coincidence" while in high-school and it seems Rupert is influenced by his work. I never got around to hearing his lectures but now I'm inspired to find more. Thanks again Dedroidify.