Monday, April 9, 2012

Jan Fries - Visual Magick

The video is someone reading a passage from the book Visual Magick. 

Jan Fries is a German freestyle Shamanic Magician and his book gives a lot of helpful pointers concerning sigils, mandalas, visualisation and lots more to do with visual magick. Together with Wicca: a guide for the solitary practitioner by Scott Cunningham, it's been quite helpful in helping me style and create my own rituals. At the moment I'm not too much into theatrics, I just find a way to optimally visualise a sigil while in some altered form of consciousness, or perform another act to represent my will. For a fast ritual, I visualise a sigil while spinning like a whirling dervish, weeee! I am working to prepare for some longer rituals though, for rituals involving Hermes, Aphrodite and lifting off to Astral Travel respectively.

It's also related, as coincidAnce would have it, to Energized Hypnosis as it also touches on language patterns and habits. You can read the full book here on scribd.

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