"Max it's that time again, time to slowly painfully ease yourself back into consciousness, No I'm not a dream, although I've been told I'm a vision of loveliness. I'm nothing less than your faithful girl Friday, Friday James, here with your wake up call of today which is wednesday the 23rd. You got that? Wednesday the 23rd!"
Interesting, W is the 23rd letter of the alphabet. Even more so, the letter W has 2 strokes down, 3 up in it. So not only invoking the law of Fives (2+3=5), Wednesday is Mercury/Wodan's day too, the day of wisdom. Max is going to learn something today and so will the aware viewer (and reader :p).
Her name is Friday, the day of Venus, so that resonates love & sexual ecstasy (a force used rather often on tv...). Her name might signify that because she's on the TV she's a mind controlled puppet, for the pleasure of the viewer, and the puppets are named after the days of the week...
She goes on: "Remember your meeting this morning, this meeting is to take place at the Classic Hotel, Suite 17... Don't you know anyone that works nine to five? Over and out, commander."
Friday mentions 17 just for Chris from Secret Sun, who suggests 17 symbolizes an unjust death and the promise of rebirth.
The woman adds a joke that anyone working from nine to five is loco or a dummy. The Mind Control theme gets carried on with "Commander".
We see a TwoFace twin resonator on the wall in Max his appartement. Max is a lowly TV station owner with 2 partners, that shows the lowest extreme shit there is to find on the airwaves.
Max is listening to a woman called Masha trying to sell a show, he doesn't wanna see the first episode but the 13th one: It's a crazy soft porn featuring Harlequin/Joker masks, chinese puppets, and the clearest phallic symbol possible lol, which looks like a mushroom too, kind of. It's too soft for Max.
Camera moves, oh there you go: a black monolith building. Moving over to a pyramid type sky-window with a thingy on it lol :p. All this to see a satellite dish, which may be the "same technology" as a pyramid...
Blondie: I think we live in overstimulated times, we crave stimulation for its own sake. We gorge ourselves on it, we always want more wether it's tactile, emotional or sexual, and I think that's bad.
Max: Then why did you wear that dress? :p after some chit chat she admits "I admit it. I live in a highly excited state of overstimulation."
Something I personally find incomprehensible, I was always bored in my old media induced reality tunnel, and pissed off at most that was offered. (Though I still took me 23 years to pick up a real book... so I understand how hard it is to wake up from it) All the world's distractions don't seem to be enough entertaining for me, though hey, I am an introvert. To compare, most of the people I know only talk about what they've "been presented". There is no creativity, only consuming. Eating up everything that's thrown at them, taking it at face value, and bitching at the things they don't like. I can barely function like that anymore, it's really hard to crawl into that old stagnant uninspired reality tunnel. I need to analyze, talk symbolism, metaphor, subliminals, agendas. I mean geez, most people in the west are just walking commercials (have you seen/heard this?!).
So the presenter goes to Brian O'blivion (who's on a tv, on a tv show):
presenter: Professor do you erotic tv shows and violent tv shows lead to desentisation, to dehumanization?
Professor Brian O'blivion says: The television screen has become the retina of the minds eye. That's why I refuse to appear on tv, except on tv, of course O'blivion is not the name i was born with, that's my tv name (just like so many of the aristocracy have changed their names to not stand out too much, keeping the illusion), soon all of us will have special names, names designed to cause the Cathode Ray Tube to resonate." (MMORPG alert? ;p another useful bondage tool to keep people from actually achieving something tangible on this planet.)
Max likes it (because he thinks its 'fictional', not to mention low cost) but wants to see more before deciding to buy it.
"I'm looking for something that'll... break through. You know?" Max
Later Masha comes back to Max and he says he's looking for the hardcore shit, like videodrome:
Max Renn: Do you know a show called 'Videodrome'?
Masha: Video what?
Max Renn: Videodrome. Like video circus, video arena. Do you know it?
Masha: No.
Max Renn: It's just torture and murder. No plot, no characters. Very, very realistic. I think it's what's next.
Masha: Then God help us.
They have a date at Max his place, they watch Videodrome as Blondie finds the tape by 'accident', after only watching a little she asks Max to cut her, what a crazy susceptible bitch.
Nicki Brand: Got any porno?
Max Renn: You serious?
Nicki Brand: Yeah. It gets me in the mood. [looks through casettes]
Nicki Brand: What's this? "Videodrome"?
Max Renn: Torture. Murder.
Nicki Brand: Sounds great.
Max Renn: Ain't exactly sex.
Nicki Brand: Says who? (Anyone who isn't brainwashed & traumatized...)
In the movie the city of Pittsburg gets named a crapload of times, I dunno why, but here's an interesting thing I came up with: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, whose official "federal" spelling of its city name was "Pittsburg" from 1891 to 1911. It may be a coincidental clue to the biggest psyop of all time or I'm missing something :p
Later he meets Masha again who tried to sell him the chinese soft porn, she tells him about videodrome: "what you see on that show, it's for real"
Max: "I can't believe it." (one of the biggest problems in this world, the censorship of Belief Systems, oh if only the world knew how more farfetched their consensus reality was, compared to the fiction of which they are sure is too far 'out there' (their, belief system or scope of reality.)
Woman: "Then don't believe... It has something that you don't have Max, it has a philosophy and that is what makes it dangerous."
Skip to later in the movie where Friday enters his appartement, we see him hitting blondie (the psychologist from earlier, instead of Friday) twice, but he didn't hit anyone, the TV BS is superimposing over his reality. Which is a nice metaphor for believing the bullshit propaganda in the media, and opening your third eye to the Astral planes at the same time (along with a psychosis metaphor, I guess ;p).
He receives a tape from O'Blivion and it breathes. (click for earlier posted video)
O'Blivion says: "The battle for the mind of north america will be fought int he video arena, the video drome, the tv screen is the retina of the minds eye, therefor the tv screen is part of the physical structure of the brain, therefor whatever appears on tv screen emerges as raw experience for those who watch it, therefor tv is reality and reality is less than tv."
How about you, are you merely a consumer (victim) or are you a creator (victor) in the Information Arena? Are you spreading useful information? If we want to destroy the Maintream Media Beast - which is a nice metaphor for Satan as he was Legion=Many and a deceiver as well - you'll have to get a move on, unless you wanna keep living in a world based on BS.
"I'm so glad you came to me, I've been through it all myself you see, your reality is already half video hallucination, if you're not careful it'll become total hallucination, you'll have to learn to live in a very strange new world. I had a brain tumor, and I had visions, I believe the visions caused the tumor and not the reverse, i feel the visions coalesce and become flesh, uncontrollable flesh, but when they removed the tumor, it was called videodrome, I was the I was videodromes first victim. *gets killed* :p
Max: who's behind it what do they want?!
Blondie: I want you max, you, come to me, come to nicky, come on, don't make me wait, please...
The TV breathes as if its alive... and Max puts his head into the TV in the stargate mouth, obviously... (entering another world, a metaphor for being fooled by the tv propaganda)
Later we see the King and Joker (Fool) cards on a different tv, Pisces symbolism high on the wall as well.
Max meets with O'Blivion's daughter. As Max hands the tape to her: "be careful, 'it bites'", ah the tape and reality (bites)? ;p. Oh there you go, a nice satanic reversed cross in background, along with many historic relics. They go to a room full of data of O'blivion, who's dead (the tv on tv show were earlier recorded images), this room symbolizes his DNA, memory bank, etc.
O'blivion thought his tumor wasn't a tumor at all but:
"A new organ, a new part of the brain, I think that massive doses of videodrome's signal will ultimately create a new outgrowth of the human brain which will produce and control hallucination to the point that it will change human reality, after all there is nothing real outside our perception of reality, is there? Huhuhuh, you can see that, can't you?"
Life and the human species evolves and adapts to what it is constantly experiencing, if all you're experiencing is mainstream media, guess what you'll devolve to. A few clips of people being asked questions about politics or recent history shows you where we're going, and it's looking kinda frustratingly bad.
Someone who calls max has a car waiting for him, that's never good:
In the limo on the screen, a logo comes up: Spectacular Optical, an eye concentric circle stargate symbol says HELLO these are the bad guys. They say they make cheap glasses for the third world, along with missile guiding systems for NATO and videodrome :p How many of our own reality's corporations have a front for the atrocities they commit. In any case let me remind you that Child and Slave labor is still a reality, and Western companies among others are enjoying the profits of it. Now please go buy yourself those new pair of sneakers and chocolate, and die a little inside.
"But for now I think that you'll find a little s&m will be necessary to trigger off a good healthy series of hallucinations. It's why our videodrome show is so strange, something to do with the effects of exposure to violence in the nervous system, it opens up receptors in the brain and the spine and then allows the videodrome signal to sink in."
Max: "You mean I'm going to have to hurt you barry?"
Barry: "No, just think about it."
"You'll forgive me if I don't stay around to watch. I just can't cope with the freaky stuff. "
Barry Convex - a lot of people responsible for evils in this world can't even look at their own atrocities.
after wacky hallucinations, max wakes up in his bed and says "what's going on professor oblivion, I mean really" but then he sees his 'victim' of the hallucination in real life next to him in his bed. He covers her up with a pillow, there :p, and goes to the other room to call his work partner who finds all the vids for him, and he doesn't see the woman, Convex said he'd have more hallucinations... (Which is a nice metaphor meaning, anyone who accepts a Belief System pushed by authorities, will be experiencing reality through those B.S. filters - effectively hallucinating a reality that will be preserved by the psychological phenomenon of Confirmation Bias. This is how easy it is to divide and control a planet.)
Later we find out that Barry was conspiring with his working partner al along, and they tell him VideoDrome had never been transmitted, they just showed him tapes. And then they ask him why he really watched the tapes. An easy way of shifting blame, using curiosity which is normally a learning tool (see how kids their curiosity gets crushed by their annoyed parents and the school system.) Harlon, Convex his boss or something (who cares) says:
"North America's getting soft, *patron*, and the rest of the world is getting tough. Very, very tough. We're entering savage new times (the only people who can predict the future are the ones who've set the agenda :p), and we're giong to have to be pure and direct and strong, if we're going to survive them. Now, you and this cesspool you call a television station and your people who wallow around in it, your viewers who watch you do it, they're rotting us away from the inside. We intend to stop that rot. " (Nevermind they started the rot, and intend to 'stop' it by increasing the rot, lol, wtf)
Max: I gotta be hallucinating now right? You guys can't be for real!
They 'analysed' his hallucinations (sounds like Scientology) and he's ready for something new, a new distraction. "I want you to open up to me" and his body just eats the tape, oh well.
He's now an effective mind controlled hallucinating puppet, and he hears voices that they want his channel and he has to kill his partners. He stuck his gun in the hole in his body (the tape hole) a while ago, and gets it out, too bad it's start portruding his hand, and now is another organ like the previously mentioned 'hallucination-tumor', the gun is now a part of his body. A reshaped killer, like any soldier on the planet. They are no longer innocent humans, they are now human-weapon hybrids... The caterpillar, before it turns into a butterfly, first turns into a PUPPET.
The Max puppet goes to his partners and kills them, no hesitation. He gets out of the office and passes people carrying two doors (into other worlds, stargates - can also be a metaphor for 'obstacles').
Now max the mind controlled puppet hears voices again "kill Bianca O'blivion, she can hurt us, don't let her hurt us max" over and over the same message
He hears a plane flying over and smashes his way through one of the 2 dagon-symbol windows of a door which has another reversed satanic cross in the background. She knows he's come to kill her, but Max acts like an alter of his former personality to confuse her, but she knows what's up Bianca: "They can make you do what they want... they want you to destroy me."
Max: "Destroy you..."
"videodrome is death"
a gun fleshed (uncontrollable flesh?) out of the tv shoots Max, "thats better, so much better" says Bianca O'blivion, "it's always painful to remove the cassette and change the program, but now that we have, you'll see you've become quite different from what you were." (What they're talking about here is the cognitive dissonance when your Belief System, aka your Reality, falls apart.)
"I am the video word made flesh"
She knows how she can use him to destroy videodrome:
"You know what you have to do, you'll turn against videodrome, you use the weapons they've given you to destroy them. Death to the videodrome, long live the new flesh!"
Let's hope some of the thousands of puppets used by governments, secret societies and the like rise up too...
We go to a kind of "They Live" room where the 'elites' celebrate their 'cleverness'.
Max shoots him in front of four zodiac cross like symbols with a central Eye. He goes down and freaky damn organs start growing out of his head and body. Woot, you create a monster you get eaten by it.
Max is already gone and we see him walking over a rail road track, he finds his way inside somewhere, it's a dump with a mattress and a tv.
Blondie is on the tv, obviously: "I was hoping you'd be back. I'm here to guide you Max, I've learned a lot since I last saw you, I learned that death is not the end. I can help you."
Max: "I don't know where I am now, having trouble... finding my way around."
Blondie: "That's because you've gone about as far as you can with the way things are. Videodrome still exists, it's very big, very complex. You hurt them but you haven't destroyed them, to do that you have to go on to the next phase."
Max: What phase is that?
Blondie: "Your body has already done a lot of changing, but that's only the beginning, the beginning of the new flesh. You have to go all the way now, total transformation. Do you think you're ready?"
Max: "Yes I am, I'll do it."
Blondie: "To become the new flesh you first have to kill the old flesh. But don't be afraid. Don't be afraid to let your body die. Just come to me max, come to nicky, watch, I'll show you how, it's easy..."
Made me think of "You can't win, Darth. If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine." - so as in his mortal life the caterpillar has gone to PUPPET, to evolve to a butterfly he'll have to kill himself... may be a metaphor to kill the puppet caterpillar's old personality and rigid reality tunnel before the butterfly can find freedom and soar. Let's take it another route, if there's consciousness after death, how would getting killed serve the greater good? If you're still an awareness mess you'd get lost in the Bhardos, maybe with sufficient progress in this life you could reincarnate even more powerfully. Or if you ascend to higher dimensions, perhaps you assist the ECCO Earth Coincidence Control Center to arrange synchronicities for others. I'm winging it theoretically here.
and he sees him pointing a gun at himself on tv,
"long live the new flesh" and the tv explodes
and then he does it himself. End of movie.
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