There are many today who consider any criticism of society, religion or government to be “negative”, regardless of what these institutions do, or have become. Many want to “believe” in an effort to provide some external stability to their own inner uncertainty. So convinced are they about the sanctity of common beliefs, that rational discussion about society is made nearly impossible. In such a state, an individual’s mental processes have become so illogical that facts no longer matter. This is a measure of extreme self defense. It is very difficult therefore, for such minds to conceive of the idea that the world is not as it has been presented to them. For this reason alone do they see any call for change as “negative”, even while criticisms are obviously well deserved. Logic, fact, clear reasoning, debate and careful observation are not of interest to, “those who keep the faith” be that faith religious, social or political.
The criticism of government, social and religious ills is by no means negative, so long as it is based upon fact. Fact is neither positive or negative…it simply IS. In other words, that which is based on fact is simply true, making the question of who likes the truth or not, completely irrelevant. When a legislative body becomes corrupted by greed, (such as the current U.S. government) it merits rightful criticism, for it no longer represents the people. When society is no longer sustainable or humane, (as is the case with our current consumeristic marketplace) then it deserves to be called a destroyer, and consciously changed at its foundation. When religion becomes the spiritually hollow repetition of phrases and methods, and a political power base devoid of the original INTENT of its founder, (as we see everywhere today) it then merits being denounced. The facts which support such conclusions are everywhere for us to see, and it doesn’t matter in the slightest what we feel about them. They ARE.
The main motive of those who wish to maintain government or religion in their current forms, (no matter how destructive these become) is that of preserving self image. So invested are they in the status quo, that “patriots” and “moralists” have actually projected their whole idea of self onto these institutions. One might even go so far as to say that they ARE these institutions, on the level of personal ego. Thus, any criticism of the government, society or religion to which the fundamentalist is wholly identified, is viewed as A DEEP PERSONAL THREAT that must be removed one way or another. Usually if a challenging view cannot be logically discredited, then there will always be those who try to discredit the speaker of change. If this cannot be done then the whole issue posed, (such as impending war with Iraq) will go ignored altogether.. An immediately defensive posture is assumed by the fundamentalist around those who ask pertinent questions A mind of this type imagines that by following established social rules and laws to the letter, and by intensely investing their outward lives in what is most accepted, that they have secured for themselves a place of social honor and acceptance. [To question the society of which the obedient citizen is a part, is to them a questioning of the soundness of their judgment] But honor is not found in acceptance, any more than greed is justified simply because the majority believe it to be a desirable trait.. Honor is found in upholding the truth regardless of what anyone else believes. This is a major lesson that the spiritual practitioner invariably learns along their path, sooner or later.
What the pseudo-patriot or moralist does not understand, is that truth does not bend for the sake of personal preference, regardless of how cherished given beliefs might be. The truth is composed of facts, and the facts can be ascertained. When facts are known it is then that the inquiring and rational mind devotes itself to honest debate, and the testing of conclusions based upon fact. In this sense, honesty lends itself to the scientific method, which methodically investigates any question to get at its bottom line.
The honest mind is not interested in what the majority believes, because they are well aware that modern humanity has a tendency to believe what it wants, rather than what the facts loudly portray. Thus we have such phrases as, “my truth and your truth” or, “truth is something that has different, [subjective] interpretations”. Such thinking is not the basis for reality however, no matter how comforting it can be to those who do not wish to recognize the facts at hand. When a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, it STILL MAKES A SOUND. Truth does not need our permission to function, it never has, and it never will.
As true patriots, spiritualists and revolutionaries, it is necessary to question everything that is presented in the daily world as to its truthfulness, and proceed to live accordingly. THIS is the meaning of righteousness and patriotic duty. Our duty therefore, is not in the keeping things as they are, nor as they are said to be, but to see things in their truthful light without bending to personal or social whims. Our objectivity toward the honest truth is what will make us great. Our subjectivity toward reality, and the desire to fabricate whatever we wish out of truth, shall destroy us all. Belief in falsehood is madness. Whether or not such madness is a collective condition is irrelevant, since the fact of more people believing or desiring something, does not make that thing truthful.
Upon truth alone can we survive and excel as a species, on this evolving planet.
Matthew Webb at World Mind Society
This is brilliant- thanks for the heads up.
Yes indeed, terrific piece, thank you!
Needless to say I loved it too :) Glad to share.
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