Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Vivek - Homeless Prophet
Vivek - Homeless Prophet
Not a prophet but a homeless dude who met a spiritual master and is telling what was told to him, he says himself he's a beginner who hasn't realized it but just believes. Which obviously made me CRINGE, nonetheless he has a great way of explaining things and though it may just be beginners enthusiasm, maybe as he's homeless he puts it into much better practice than I will ever be able to. My non-dual experience does little for me to keep sane in this insane fucking society.
The cameraman and his buddy are also hopelessly fucking annoying though, but at least they learn something. From the comments: "It's ironic that these morons, in their attempt to mock this guy, helped in sharing a wonderful message with the world. Thank you." Too bad it finishes terribly with a message to pray (wtf'll that do) and one of the two (the genius with his night time sunglasses...) has to act up again.
Interview with Robert Anton Wilson
Q: In the recent book Angels and Aliens, author Keith Thompson cites what he calls "metapatterns", which are repeated patterns in seemingly dipsarate phenomena which connect them.
Do you entertain this concept, and if so, how?
Wilson: Yeah, I see metapatterns between evolution and human history. I see an acceleration of information throughout evolution and you can see a similar acceleration of information throughout human history moving faster than the evolutionary one, and I think cosmic--if you consider the universe as evolving--there's another accumulation of information over time on a bigger scale. That's one of the metapatterns I've found useful.
Q: You don't think that's just because we're noticing it, that the universe is ticking on its merry way?
Wilson: Well that's the deepest question of all! I don't know. John Archibald Wheeler thinks it's because we're noticing it. He thinks that we're fine tuning the big bang every time we measure it, or at least a measurement on a sufficiently small scale, so we're selecting this universe out of all possible universes by the measurements we make, but I don't know whether I believe that or not.
Q: Thompson also compares the UFO phenomenon and people that study it to absurdist theater such as Waiting For Godot where the waiting becomes robotic entertainment...
Wilson: Well, I think it's more like a little film by Idries Shah--The Dermis Probe---it's a dense leathery something and these voices arguing about it. The camera keeps moving back as the voices find more and more details and more and more to argue about, until finally the camera moves back enough so that you can see it's an elephant. It's an adaptation of an old Sufi tale. I think it's more like the, UFO mystery than any of Beckett's plays. Everybody gets ahold of their favorite end and...
Q: ...won't let go...
Wilson: That's what it is! "It's extraterrestrials" "It's angels" "It's demons... hallucinations..."
Q: Fairies and elves...
Q: Where did you first hear about that theory?
Wilson: From Jacques Valee in 1976.
Q: Around the time of Passport to Magonia ?
Wilson: Around that time, yeah. I met him and then I ran right out and got the book and read it, and then I read Invisible College, which was the next book he brought out.
Q: Do you see UFOs as an experiment or at least a fly in the ointment of modern (last 50 years or so) consciousness or at least ideas of consensus reality?
Wilson: Oh yes, very definitely. That's what I like about it. I like the metaphor that Brad Steiger used although I don't take it literally: In the reality game, everytime we think we understand it, the player on the other side introduces some new move that in all of infinity has never been done before, so we've got to start thinking again and trying to figure out the rules of the game all over. I like that as a metaphor because the UFO is very much like that--it's a new move that the universe has made. That explains why a lot of people don't want to think about it at all.
Q: It forces people to change their ways of thinking, and that's scary... What is your feeling that many of our major religions are the result of contact with the "alien" the "other", or at least what we now regard as anomalous experience?
Wilson: Well, major religions of all sorts, from shamanic to the most "advanced" (which is what they call themselves--the more successful ones with millions of followers). All religions seem to be based on some sort of encounter with an alien presence, or what seems like an alien presence. According to one theory, it's just the other half of our brain.
Q: Like the miracle of Fatima.
Wilson: At Fatima the number of people seeing odd things increased with each visitation until there were about 100,000 witnesses from all over Portugal who saw parts of the last one which was "a light brighter than a thousand suns and petals falling out of the sky" or something like that. Really it sounds like a cosmic Houdini was putting on a show for them.
Q: What would you think would have happened if this had happened in say, China, Japan, or India?
Wilson: Oh, It would have been dragons fighting dragons in the sky... these things always... on going through the human nervous system they get adapted to the local belief system.
Q: Do you think they would have taken it just as seriously as the Catholic church did?
Wilson: Oh sure. Whatever it was, it certainly struck a lot of people very hard, so it would hav
Q: There was a case in Kentucky where two people had been riding along in a car. One saw a craft land and typical aliens get out and abduct them, and the other saw a schoolbus going by. They both swore up and down that that's what they had seen.
Wilson: (Laughter) I think I've seen more UFOs than most people because I have no dogmas about this, and so I'm always noticing weird things that I don't quite know what they are. I've seen UFOs, but I see UNFOs too--"Unidentified Non-Flying Objects". The world is full of things that puzzle me. I'm not quite sure what they are and how to classify them.
Q: Actually, I have some non-UFO questions here... I read your last book (Cosmic Trigger Part 2) and it seemed very pessimistic or even paranoid. I probably shouldn't ask this now because you'll get offended.
Wilson: Well, now I'm curious.
Q: Well, your last book seemed very acidic.
Anyway, if you say we're the artists of our own reality, do you enjoy painting pictures of insane government figures and their plots to ruin our lives?
Wilson: That's a very good question and that book presents various ways of looking at reality. Sometimes the world does look that way to me. Some people see the world that way all the time. What I was trying to do in that book is show that we can see the world that way part of the time, but you don't have to get hung up on seeing it that way all the time.
Q: It was startling because I had never read anything that dark in your books.
Wilson: Well in my novels - you probably read only my non-fiction. People who have read only my novels tend to think I have a tragic and somewhat paranoid view of the world. People who have read only my non-fiction think I'm unrealistically optimistic. I try different reality tunnels in different books.
Q: What made you start doing that, do you think?
Wilson: The Kennedy assasination. I was reading all the controversial literature and I got to see more and more how everybody in that debate, on all sides, how they were adjusting the data to fit their prejudices. So in Illuminatus, my first long novel (in collaboration with Bob Shea) we gave a couple of dozen alternative scenarios and everybody in the book figures it out differently, and the reader has to figure out which version they're going to believe, or are they going to become agnostic.
Q: Here's one a bit off the track... What are your two or three favorite films and why?
Wilson: The Trial by Orson Welles, because it's an unsolvable mystery. If it was solveable, I'd lose interest eventually, as it is, I can look at it over and over and always have a new attitude towards it. I always find something new in it.
Q: And...?
Wilson: Another one by Orson Welles, F Is For Fake, which is a documentary about the impossibility of making a documentary. It's a documentary in which everybody is lying, including Welles himself. You never can figure out who's the worst liar and how much you can believe. Some of it is true, but you can never be sure which part. Other documentaries are terribly dishonest, compared to that one, which admits it's lying. A documentary that admits it's lying is honest, a documentary that prentends to be honest is lying... And Stardust Memories, by Woody Allen.
Q: That's one of my favorites.
Wilson: That's very much like F Is For Fake. You never know what's real and what's part of one of his movies. Sometimes the characters seem to escape from his movies into so-called "reality", except reality itself is a movie that we're watching, right? His hostility escapes from his movie into reality...
Q: And attacks his ex-wife and mother and it's about to get his psychiatrist...
Wilson: (Laughs) It gets one of his fans too. It suddenly reappears when somebody is asking him about the sexuality of artists and "have you ever had intercourse with a horse".
Q: Yeah "with some kind of wild animal" or something like that.
Wilson: And his hostility suddenly appears on screen and drags the guy off! (laughs)
Q: What is "utopia" and do you still see it as a possibility in the next few decades or so? (Relatively anyway).
Wilson: Utopia is a world where there's no nuclear arms race. Where I don't wake up every morning wondering whether the Soviet Union or the government that alleges it's mine are going to start hurling nuclear weapons at each other. So we've already achieved utpoia. That's obviously not going to happen.
Q: It'll be another country that's buying weapons off the Soviet Union.
Wilson: I refuse to worry about that. They scared me most of my life. Now they're claiming there's holes in the ozone and I'm supposed to worry about that. I am too old, I refuse to fall for this crap anymore. The rest of my life I'm going to enjoy myself and I'm not going to let them scare me anymore with these... the Russians turned out to be... they just fell apart. They never had any plan to attack this country. They were afraid of this country all along.
Q: Well, it kept a lot of people going on fear.
Wilson: And I won't worry about the ozone layer. It'll fix itself, or we'll learn how to fix it. I'm not going to ruin the rest of what I've got left of life with worrying about that.
Q: It seems like there's a different finding every week. "No, it's not going as fast as we thought", "Yes, it's going much faster, time to take steps" etc. I don't sense you have as much hope in the future as you once did.
Is this incorrect? And do you agree with Israel Regardie's statement that things will get worse before they get any better?
Wilson: I think I'm as optimistic as I ever was in the long-run evolutionary perspective. This idea that we have to go through some horror before we're cured, if that were true, we'd have been cured long ago. We've been through enough horrors, especially in this century. After Hitler's death camps and Hiroshima and Vietnam, how many horrors do we have to go through before we're ready to be happy? I think we're ready to be happy right now. I'm not going to let Regardie stop me.
Q: Well he can't object now.
Do you think all this is "millenium jitters" or is the shit really going to hit the fan?
Wilson: I regard myself and my friends as the power elite. That way I don't have to worry if someone else is manipulating me. They're trying, but we're outsmarting them every step of the way. Most people want to believe somebody else is in charge. Then they don't have to take responsibility. Then they have the supreme pleasure of perpetually complaining that somebody else is in charge, and it would be better if only they were in charge. As long as I think I'm in charge, I've got nothing to complain about. I've got to take the responsibility for all of it. How can I go on? (laughs) Well, some of us have more balls than others. I'm sixty years old. In any traditional society I would have been hanged long ago.
Thanks The Invisibles
Obama's Logo Winged Disc of Ra
Take a good look at this thing, first of all the Buy American is hilarious (Made in China?), then we have the Winged Disc of Ra, which is not so subtle code for "we are illuminati, resistance is futile, we've got all you dumb motherfuckers by the balls." The official version is it's to poke fun at John McCain's recent claim that he would rather hear the roar of "50,000 Harleys" than the cheering of 200,000 Berliners. Sure.
Take a look at that rising sun over the road to the NWO, if you reverse it, it's a mushroom. A reversed mushroom could imply lowering consciousness instead of raising it. Like with false Hope! Or you can also see an all seeing eye in it.
Oh btw, it came out that Obama is related to McCain too, it's just one huge fuck fest in Washington isn't it? And here's the meaning of both these schmucks their names.
Oh man and check this out: "i'm torn with that logo. he should look to put an american flag on there somewhere." more faith-in-humanity shattering comments here
Alex Krycek was a real guy?
Bill Moore (William L. Moore) is a well-known UFOlogist. Prominent in the 1980s, he has co-authored several books with Charles Berlitz, including The Roswell Incident - the first book written about the alleged Roswell UFO crash/retrieval. Bill Moore was a central figure in the release of the controversial Majestic 12 documents.
Bill Moore admitted in 1989 at the Mutual UFO Network that along with USAF Sergeant Richard C. Doty he "played a part in having Paul Bennewitz involuntarily committed to the New Mexico State Hospital on three separate occasions."
Extra info from wikipedia: In 1989, UFOlogist William L. Moore would report that "I became aware that Rick (Doty) was involved with a team of several others ... in playing an elaborate disinformation scheme against a major UFO researcher who, at the time, had close connections with a major television film company interested in doing a UFO documentary." Moore says that Howe was discredited due to her interest in Bennewitz.
Thanks The Invisibles
Human Needs, Psychology of, from Sex to Self Actualization
Human Needs, Psychology of, from Sex to Self Actualization
Humanistic psychology by Maslow and his hierarchy of human needs:

I watched this episode of Destination Truth, about the Naga, and interestingly the dude questing for the naga concluded it was probably a more spiritual than physical phenomenon. (like Shpongle in their albums about Bigfoot ;p). Many sightings do not only include only the serpent being but also red fire balls in the sky, comparable to our white ufos perhaps, different for every culture and filters they see it through. Imagine huge red fire balls in southern US lol the fundamentalists would freak out. Syncing up with "where's the line drawn between physical and spiritual" I just watched Imaginationland again too :p
Accepted Trailer
Accepted Trailer
Saw this yesterday, pretty ok movie with Lewis Black busting on the system and a call for creativity, woo!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Waterdoor to Mayan Underworld discovered
Hehe, well I twisted the title a little and I'm incredibly late with this but there you go. Mexican archeologists have discovered a maze of stone temples in underground caves, some submerged in water and containing human bones, which ancient Mayans believed was a portal where dead souls entered the underworld. 11 sacred temples and a 330 feet road, you don't say!
Thanks to James Ratte: "Eleven sacred temples and a 330-foot long road', ha ha LULZ, eleven & 330, go figure."
Thanks to James Ratte: "Eleven sacred temples and a 330-foot long road', ha ha LULZ, eleven & 330, go figure."
RAW Cosmic Trigger excerpt
...And then Jacques Vallee arrived.
I had wanted to talk to Doctor Vallee for several months now and I immediately kidnapped him into a room which the other party- goers were not informed about. On the way, we spotted Hymenaeus Alpha (Grady McMurty), Caliph of the Ordo Templi Orientis, and his wife, Phylis.
The Skeptic had heard Jacques Vallee talk at a conference on Science and Spirit, sponsored by the Theosophical Society, earlier in the year. He had taken a new approach to the UFO mystery and was systematically feeding all the reports of extraterrestrial contacts into a giant computer. The computer was programmed to look for various possible repeated patterns. Jacques said that the evidence emerging suggested to him that the UFOs weren't extraterrestrial at all, but that they seemed to be intelligent systems intent on convincing us they were extraterrestrial.
[Indeed, even as our Dear Brother Terence McKenna hath said, "We are part of a symbiotic relationship with something which disguises itself as an extraterrestrial invasion so as not to alarm us." -B:.B:.]
Now the Skeptic started pumping Jacques about his evidence that they weren't extraterrestrial. He started to explain that, analyzing the reports chronologically, it appeared that They (whoever or whatever they are) always strive to give the impression that they are something the society they are visiting can understand. In medieval sightings, he said, they called themselves angels; in the great 1902 flap in several states, one of the craft spoke to a West Virginia farmer and said they were an airship invented and flown from Kansas; in 1940s-1950s sightings, they often said they were from Venus; since Venus has been examined and seems incapable of supporting life, they now say they are from another star-system in this galaxy.
"Where do you think they come from?" I asked.
Doctor Vallee gave the Gallic form of the classic scientific Not- Speculating-Beyond-The-Data head-shake. "I can theorize, and theorize, endlessly," he said, "but is it not better to just study the data more deeply and look for clues?"
"You must have some personal hunch," I insisted.
I asked Grady McMurty if Aleister Crowley had ever said anything to him implying the extraterrestrial theory which Kenneth Grant, Outer Head of another Ordo Templi Orientis, implies in his accounts of Crowley's contacts with Higher Intelligences.
"Some of the things Aleister said to me," Grady replied carefully, "could be interpreted as hints pointing that way." He went on to quote Crowley's aphorisms about various of the standard entities contacted by Magick. The Abramelin spirits, for instance, need to be watched carefully. "They bite," Aleister explained in his best deadpan am-I-kidding-or-not? style. The Enochian "angels," on the other hand, don't always have to be summoned. "When you're ready, they come for you," Aleister said flatly.
(The Enochian entities were first contacted by Dr. John Dee in the early 17th Century. Dr. Dee, court astrologer to Queen Elizabeth and also an important mathematician, has been controversial from his own time to ours, some writers regarding him as a genius of the first rank and others as a clever lunatic. According to two interesting books, "The World Stage" and "The Rosicrucian Enlightenment," both by a most scrupulous historian, Dr. Francis Yates, Dee was almost certainly a prime mover in the "Illuminati" and "Rosicrucian Brotherhoods" of that time, which played a central role in the birth of modem science. The alleged UFOnaut from Uranus which communicated with the two Naval Intelligence officers gave a name, AFFA, which is a word in the "angelic" language used by the entities Dee contacted. It means Nothing. George Hunt Williamson also got some words in "angelic" from his Space Brothers, remember.)
"The outstanding quality of UFO contactees," Jacques Vallee said at this point, "was incoherence. I now have grave reservations about all physical details they supply," he said.
"They are like people after an auto accident. All they know is that something very serious has happened to them." Only the fact that so many cases involve other witnesses, who see something in the sky before the "contactee" has his/her strange experience, justifies the assumption that what happens is more than "subjective."
"Largely," Doctor Vallee summarized, "they come out of it with a new perspective on humanity. A religious perspective, in general terms. But all the details are contradictory and confusing." He regarded green men, purple giant men, physical craft with windows in them, etc., as falling into the category psychologists call "substitute memory," always provided by the ingenious brain when the actual experience is too shocking to be classified.
I asked how many in the room had experienced the contact of what appeared to be Higher Intelligence. Grady and Phylis McMurty put up their hands, as did two young magicians from the Los Angeles area, and myself. Jacques Vallee, curiously, looked as if he might raise his hand, but then evidently changed his mind and did not. I said I inclined to believe the Higher Intelligences were extraterrestrial, and asked what the others thought.
The two Los Angeles magicians agreed.
Lam, an "extra-terrestrial" Intelligence with whom Crowley was in astral contact in 191
Tom, who had been a witch for five years and hadn't raised his hand when asked for contactee testimony, said that the Higher Intelligences are imbedded in our language and numbers, as the Cabalists think, and have no other kind of existence. He added that every time he tried to explain this he saw that people thought he was going schizophrenic and he began to fear that they might be right, so he preferred not to talk about it at all. Tom-who is a computer programmer by profession, a witch only by religion-later added a bit to this, saying that all that exists is information and coding; we only imagine we have bodies and live in space-time dimensions.
Doctor Vallee listened to all this with a bland smile, and did not seem to regard any of us as mad.
(A few days later, in discussion with the former Vacaville prison psychologist, Dr. Wesley Hiler, I asked him what he really thought of Dr. Leary's extraterrestrial contacts. Specifically, since he didn't regard Leary as crazy or hallucinating, what was happening when Leary thought he was receiving extraterrestrial communications? "Every man and woman who reaches the higher levels of spiritual and intellectual development," Dr. Hiler said calmly, "feels the presence of a Higher Intelligence. Our theories are all unproven. Socrates called it his daemon. Others call it gods or angels. Leary calls it extraterrestrial. Maybe it's just another part of our brain, a part we usually don't use. Who knows?")
Since everybody in the room at this point had either had the required experience, or was willing to speculate about it and study it objectively rather than merely banishing it with the label "hallucination," I went into my rap about the parallels between Leary and Wilhelm Reich. "The attempt to destroy both Dr. Reich and Dr. Leary reached its most intense peak right after they reported their extraterrestrial contacts," I said. "I keep having very weird theories about what that means..."
Grady McMurty nodded vigorously. "That's the $64,000 question," he said emphatically. "For years I've been asking Phylis and everybody else I know: why does the gnosis always get busted? Every single time the energy is raised and large-scale group illuminations are occurring, the local branch of the Inquisition kills it dead. Why, why, why?"
Nobody had any very conclusive ideas.
"I'll tell you what I think," Grady said. "There's war in Heaven. The Higher Intelligences, whoever they are, aren't all playing on the same team. Some of them are trying to encourage our evolution to higher levels, and some of them want to keep us stuck just where we are."
According to Grady, some occult lodges are working with those nonhuman intelligences who want to accelerate human evolution, but some of the others are working with the intelligences who wish to keep us near an animal level of awareness.
This is a standard idea in occult circles and it can safely be stated, without exaggeration, that every "school" or "lodge of adepts that exists is regarded, by some of the others, as belonging to the Black Brotherhood of the evil path. Grady's own Ordo Templi Orientis, indeed, has been accused of this more often than have most other occult lodges. I have personally maintained my good cheer and staved off paranoia, while moving among various occult groups as student or participant, by always adhering rigidly to the standard Anglo-Saxon legal maxim that every accused person must be regarded as innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. This obviously spares me a lot of worry, but the more guarded approach is very well argued by Isaac Bonewitz, the author of Real Magick. "Paranoid magicians outlive the others," Isaac says.
Dr. H. -- the psychiatrist whose bad acid-trip had started the Crowleymas party off so jumpily for me -- dropped by the next day, to thank me for "talking him down" from his anxiety attack.
He also, it soon appeared, wanted to tell me about his accelerating experiences with magick. It had started over two years earlier, after an intensive seminar at Esalen. Dr. H. suddenly found that he could see "auras." (The aura of the human body, known to shamans and witches since time immemorial, has been repeatedly rediscovered by scientists, most of whom were thereupon denounced as "cranks." Franz Anton Mesmer called it "animal magnetism," in the 16th century. In the 19th, Baron Reichenbach called it "OD." In the 1920s, Gurvich named it "the mytogenic ray." Wilhelm Reich rediscovered it in the 1930s, called it "orgone energy," and was destroyed by AMA bigots who charged that he was hallucinating it. Kirlian photography has now demonstrated beyond all doubt that this aura exists.) Dr. H. soon found, further, that he could use the aura as a diagnostic tool in analyzing new patients. This experience, Leary's books, and a lecture by me on Crowley's magick, led him to further experiments.
On a beach in Sonoma County, after taking LSD the day before and programming an opening of the self to higher beings or energies, Dr. H. (no longer under the direct influence of the drug) had an experience with Something from the sky. "It wasn't exactly a Higher Intelligence," he said carefully, "or, at least, I didn't receive that aspect of it, if it was Higher Intelligence. To me, it was just energy. Terrible energy. My chest was sore for hours afterward. I thought it would kill me, but I was absolutely ecstatic and egoless at the peak of it. If the chest-pain weren't so intense, it would have been a totally positive experience."
(MacGregor Mathers, Outer Head of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, and the first occult teacher of such worthies as Aleister Crowley, poet William Butler Yeats and novelist Arthur Machen, once recorded a meeting with the Secret Chiefs. These ambiguous entities, known in several schools of occult training, are variously believed to be discarnate spirits of the great Magi of the past, living Magi who can teleport themselves about as easily as you or I telephone a friend, "angels" in the traditional sense, or merely "beings we cannot understand." In any case, Mathers noted that the meeting, although pleasant, left him feeling as if he'd been "struck by lightning" and he also suffered chest pains and extreme difficulty in breathing. Dr. Israel Regardie has also noted that Alan Bennett, who was Crowley's chief teacher for many years, developed asthma, a chest disease. Crowley developed asthma himself as his contacts with the Secret Chiefs occurred more often; and Regardie finally "caught" asthma for several years after studying with Crowley, a condition which was only cured when he went through the bioenergetic therapy of Wilhelm Reich.)
[As an interesting synchronistic aside here, Brother Whitley Strieber, the alleged Space Alien Abductee and prolific author on such topics, also suffers from quite a touch of asthma. Coincidence...? -B:.B:.]
Thanks the Invisibles
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Deceiving the World with Pictures
This article Fighting Dirty: Pictures to Provoke Hatred and More Suffering at Byzantine blog does a good job at exposing some Reuters tricking, I mean we can't have objective journalists reporting on reality, that's idealism!

This photo was first published by the Reuters as an image of a "dead woman being carried by the Georgian soldiers from the town of Gori". But this "dead woman", incredibly, is clutching the nurse's arm. (And was later changed on the Reuters website as you can see in the comments - check those out for even more pictures and news. The other markings are for reference to another picture. See more here.)
This photo was first published by the Reuters as an image of a "dead woman being carried by the Georgian soldiers from the town of Gori". But this "dead woman", incredibly, is clutching the nurse's arm. (And was later changed on the Reuters website as you can see in the comments - check those out for even more pictures and news. The other markings are for reference to another picture. See more here.)
Maslow's Traits of Self Actualized People
While I keep you waiting for excerpts from the book of Maslow I'm reading. This is a list of the qualities of the superior human being from Abraham Maslow, the founder of humanistic psychology. Dr. Maslow summed up the concept of Self-Actualization as:
"A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write, if he is to be at peace with himself. What a man can be, he must be. This is the need we may call self-actualization ... referring to a person's desire for fulfillment, namely to the tendency to become actually what we are potentially ..."
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Third Reich to Fortune 500: Five Popular Brands the Nazis Gave Us
Check out this article at Third Reich to Fortune 500: Five Popular Brands the Nazis Gave Us. Including what they did for the Nazis and how evil they were. Don't worry, kittens are used to balance the material.
From the page: IBM
From the page: IBM
You're probably thinking, "Wait a minute. IBM was American! The closest America ever got to the Nazis was when Indiana Jones wore that uniform as a disguise in Raiders of the Lost Ark!"
Actually, prior to the war, American business took what can be generously described as a morally ambivalent stance on the whole Hitler thing. American groups, such as the Rockefeller Foundation and the Carnegie Institute, directly funded Nazi eugenics projects in the early '30s (where the goal was to find ways to breed a master race). Of course, once the war started, most American businesses cut ties with Hitler. IBM, on the other hand, decided to stick around and see where he was going with this whole final solution thing.
MGMT - Electric Feel
all along the western front
people line up to receive
she got the power in her hand
to shock you like you won't believe
saw her in the amazon
with the voltage running through her skin (raised chi/kundalini?)
standing there with nothing on
she's gonna teach me how to swim (in the sea of consciousness?)
said ooh girl - shock me like an electric eel
baby girl - turn me on with your electric feel
i said ooh girl - shock me like an electric eel
baby girl - turn me on with your electric feel
all along the eastern shore
put your circuits in the sea (explore the 8 circuits in the sea of consciousness)
this is what the world is for
making electricity (raising chi & the kundalini)
you can feel it in your mind
oh you can do it all the time
plug it in and change the world
you are my electric girl
said ooh girl - shock me like an electric eel
baby girl - turn me on with your electric feel
said ooh girl - shock me like an electric eel
baby girl - turn me on with your electric feel
do what you feel now - electric feel now
They have a track on the album Oracular Spectacular called '4th Dimensional Transition' too.
Daily Conspiracy: Vlad 'The Impaler' III Dracula
The (possible) 'inspiration' for Bram Stoker's Dracula, Vlad Tepes, the Prince of Wallachia was born in 1431 in Transylvania. He is a popular folk hero in Romania and Moldova even today.
His reign is best known for its cruelty. True to his name, most of the victims were impaled, often thousands at a single time.
The pamphlets also claim that to massacre more victims at once, he would herd captured enemies over cliffsides onto beds of spikes below.
From these victims he was able to create an infamous "forest of the impaled" surrounding his capital to dissuade any attacking army from invading.
He was brought up at the court of King Sigismund of Hungary. Sigismund, who later became Holy Roman Emperor, founded a secret order of knights called the Order of the Dragon to defend Christianity from Ottoman expansion. Vlad was inducted into this order and was then known in Wallachia as "Vlad Dracul" - Vlad the Dragon. In Romanian Drac- means both "dragon" and "evil" while -ul is a suffix, Dracula means son of the Dragon, but he signed his name as Draculea or Draculya, the Devil's son. With royals inbreeding for centuries Vlad has a very interesting family tree.
"I am the monster that breathing men would kill. I am Dracula."
Related posts: Batman is Dracula (is Everybody else) and Vlad the Impaler: MiddleMan and Puppet for The Order (at PseudOccult Media)
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Anagram hall of fame
Words are fun
Clint Eastwood = Old West Action
Madam Curie = Radium came
Evangelist = Evil's Agent
The eyes = They see
Desperation = A Rope Ends It
Conversation = Voices Rant On
Mother-in-law = Woman Hitler
Clint Eastwood = Old West Action
Madam Curie = Radium came
Evangelist = Evil's Agent
The eyes = They see
Desperation = A Rope Ends It
Conversation = Voices Rant On
Mother-in-law = Woman Hitler
tUrtle fOrest Mystic Studios presents: Little Buddha Matrix
Check out this excellent mash-up, can't seem to embed it so check it out here.
See the Illusion! Enjoy it! But do not become it!
You are not the Illusion, but the Creator of it.
You are in this world, but not of it.
Look at this carefully and you will see
that life is its own metaphor.
Buddha Dharma
Daily Conspiracy: The News
In today's headlines! ... PANDEMICS! FEAR! DEATH! WAR! HATE!
EVIL MUSLIMS! IRAN IS DANGEROUS! (ignore the western atrocities)
BUSH AND BLAIR ARE MEN OF FAITH (the nuclear kind!)
ARABS HAVE THE WRONG KIND OF FAITH AND DESTROYED THE WTC TOWERS (nevermind the pages of evidence that incriminate the bush admin.)
*insert random community piece nobody gives a fuck about*
and now sports... bla bla steroids bla bla bribes bla bla...
Ok that's it slaves, please stay tuned for even more retarded crap!
If you don't chuckle at least 10 times during ANY news broadcast it's time to WAKE UP!
"When the bio-survival circuit flashes danger, all other mental activity ceases."
Robert Anton Wilson
Objective Journalism is a myth:
Firstly the Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle of Quantum physics states that you can't leave the observer out of the observation. A story is filtered through an individual consciousness, which frames the piece, evaluates information, tries to gain interviews with those subjects unwilling to give information and attempts to finish the work by deadline under difficult conditions.
"Why bother with newspapers, if this is all they offer? Agnew was right. The press is a gang of cruel faggots. Journalism is not a profession or a trade. It is a cheap catch-all for fuckoffs and misfits - a false doorway to the backside of life, a filthy piss-ridden little hole nailed off by the building inspector, but just deep enough for a wino to curl up from the sidewalk and masturbate like a chimp in a zoo-cage."
Hunter S. Thompson
The Nazis used to call propaganda by its name, now the western world shamelessly calls it journalism.
"Everytime I read the news, I'm always more confused.
They're telling me to choose, but there's only lies to choose from."
Michael Franti
"Our job is to give people not what they want, but what we decide they ought to have."
Richard Salent, Former President CBS News
Jon Stewart knows the news is controlled by a few companies and that it's one big meme-pushing farce, every daily show viewer knows, it's only gonna take them a few more years to realize it... Cause they wouldn't wanna be labeled anything related to conspiracy now would they!
Streaming Vids
Brian Springer: Spin
Orwell rolls in his grave: Operation Mockingbird CIA Media Manipulation
Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's war on Journalism
Peace, Propaganda and the Promised Land: Media & the Israel-Palestine Conflict
Orwell rolls in his grave: Operation Mockingbird CIA Media Manipulation
Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's war on Journalism
Peace, Propaganda and the Promised Land: Media & the Israel-Palestine Conflict
Monday, August 25, 2008
Enlightenment is Overrated
Interesting take on enlightenment at Illuminated Mind, it starts out with:
"I admit it. I am Enlightened. (If I was going to take the Zen approach, I might say I am Enlightened because I know there is no such thing as Enlightenment.)"Read on.
The Universe has been Hacked
Check out this hilarious article by stand up comedian and writer James Inman.
If anyone wants to send me to do an ibogaine ritual though... :p
The Universe has been Hacked at Media Underground
If anyone wants to send me to do an ibogaine ritual though... :p
The Universe has been Hacked at Media Underground
2081 Everyone will finally be equal
2081: Everyone Will Finally Be Equal
Based on the short story Harrison Bergeron by celebrated author Kurt Vonnegut, 2081 depicts a dystopian future in which, thanks to the 212th Amendment to the Constitution and the unceasing vigilance of the United States Handicapper General, everyone is finally equal... The strong wear weights, the beautiful wear masks and the intelligent wear earpieces that fire off loud noises to keep them from taking unfair advantage of their brains. It is a poetic tale of triumph and tragedy about a broken family, a brutal government, and an act of defiance that changes everything.
Featuring an original score performed by the world-renowned Kronos Quartet (Requiem for a Dream) and narration by Academy Award Nominee Patricia Clarkson (Far From Heaven, Goodnight and Good Luck), 2081 stars James Cosmo (Braveheart, Trainspotting, Narnia), Julie Hagerty (Airplane!, What About Bob?) and Armie Hammer (Justice League). This (short) film was made possible by a generous grant from The Moving Picture Institute and its donors.
There is no logic in politcs
Haha, no really though. There isn't (click link to read about study): "None of the circuits involved in conscious reasoning were particularly engaged. Essentially, it appears as if partisans twirl the cognitive kaleidoscope until they get the conclusions they want, and then they get massively reinforced for it, with the elimination of negative emotional states and activation of positive ones."
Drew Westen, director of clinical psychology at Emory University.
In Timothy Leary's 8 circuits of consciousness: political beliefs are at the 2nd circuit. They get defended at the Emotional Territorial level:
"As every parent knows, the toddler is no longer a passive (bio-survival) infant but a mammalian politician, full of physical (and psychic) territorial demands, quick to meddle in family business and decision-making. Again the first imprint on this circuit remains constant for life (unless brainwashed) and identifies the stimuli which will automatically trigger dominant, aggressive behavior or submissive, cooperative behavior. When we say that a person is behaving emotionally, egotistically or 'like a two-year-old,' we mean that s/he is blindly following one of the tunnel-realities imprinted on this circuit."
Robert Anton Wilson - Cosmic Trigger
That's where we are in society today people, the toddler level! And putting Dubya among the pictures was too easy! :p (the old Blair & Chiraq pics are because this copied page is old ;p)
Btw whenever they whine about democracy they speak of Greece, well yes DIRECT democracy we get from ancient Greece. However REPRESENTATIVE democracy - which is based on lies, manipulation, deceit & corruption - comes straight out of the DARK AGES.
"If one wants to recognize effortlessly the essense of politics, let one reflect upon the fact that it was a Hitler who was able to make the world hold its breath for many years. The fact that Hitler was a political genius unmasks the nature of politics in general as no other fact can."
Wilhelm Reich, The mass psychology of fascism
Doublespeak is language deliberately constructed to disguise or distort its actual meaning, often resulting in a 'communication bypass'. Such language is associated with governmental, military, and corporate institutions. Doublespeak may be in the form of bald euphemisms ('downsizing' for 'firing of many employees') or deliberately ambiguous phrases ('wet work' for 'assassination'). Doublespeak is distinguished from other euphemisms through its deliberate usage by governmental, military, or corporate institutions.
George Orwell
"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it and then misapplying the wrong remedies."
Groucho Marx
"There are no political solutions, only technological ones, the rest is propaganda."
Jacques Ellul
"Don't you know that if people could bottle the air they would? Don't you know that there would be an American Air-Bottling Association? And don't you know they would allow thousands and millions to die if they could not pay for air? I am not blaming anybody. I am just telling how it is."
Robert Ingersoll, A Lay Sermon
"Government is an association of men who do violence to the rest of us."
Leo Tolstoy
Sunday, August 24, 2008
A Mountain
I should be content
to look at a mountain
for what it is
and not as a comment on my life.
—David Ignatow
Winning does not tempt that man.
This is how he grows: by being defeated, decisively
by constantly greater beings.
When we get out of the glass bottles of our ego,
and when we escape like squirrels turning in the
cages of our personality
and get into the forests again,
we shall shiver with cold and fright
but things will happen to us
so that we don't know ourselves.
Cool, unlying life will rush in,
and passion will make our bodies taut with power,
we shall stamp our feet with new power
and old things will fall down,
we shall laugh, and institutions will curl up like
burnt paper.
—D. H. Lawrence
This thing we tell of can never be found by seeking, but only seekers find it.
—Abu Yazid Al-Bistami
A Tribute to Dr. Timothy Leary
A Tribute to Dr. Timothy Leary
It's my job to corrupt young people
with a contagious infectious idea of individual freedom
It's my job to encourage you and to empower you
To think for yourself & Question authority
One individual, with electrons in his hand, can bring down an empire
If you want to keep things moving, you should free the elements
some people call that Chaos
Jimmie's Chicken Shack: This is not Hell
Jimmie's Chicken Shack: This is not Hell
(Silent Hill vid, cause there's not enough good JCS vids online dammit! full lyrics here)
This is not hell. This is purgatory.
Caught here in limbo. I.Q. of a dim bulb.
How many gods does it take to screw in the likes of me
You'd think one day that I might learn
Stare in the light you cannot see
I've opened my doors of perception
And can't get them shut
Now I feel fucked for free
Everyday, yeah I feel fucked for free
I left my brain inside of my other head
You don't impress me, don't depress me
Don't supress me, just get undressed!
I left my brain inside of my other head
The teachers test me, my father blessed me
The pigs arrest me, I get upset!
I left my brain inside of my other head
You don't impress me, don't depress me
Don't supress me, just undress me
The teachers test me, my father blessed me
The pigs arrest me, I get upset
Boo hoo
Daily Conspiracy: Sheep happens
I apologize again for the clichés in this old conspiracy series ;p

Sheep Happens!
"None are so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free."
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The ideal tyranny is that which is ignorantly self-administered by its victims. The most perfect slaves are, therefore, those which blissfully and unawaredly enslave themselves."
Dresden James
"A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves."
Edward R. Murrow
Sheep Happens!
"None are so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free."
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The ideal tyranny is that which is ignorantly self-administered by its victims. The most perfect slaves are, therefore, those which blissfully and unawaredly enslave themselves."
Dresden James
"A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves."
Edward R. Murrow
Saturday, August 23, 2008
The Value of Holistic & Integral Thought now
I went to the library and when there's nothing specific I want I kinda let synchronicity guide me, I found two books which are very interesting so far. Abraham Maslow's Religion, Values and Peak Experiences, and dutch author Hans R. Vincent's Our World View and Integral Thought - In Search for Unity of Religion, Philosophy and Science. It describes loads of reality tunnels and therefore is very helpful in understanding the world better and finetuning your model of reality. I'll post from Maslow later, here's a translated excerpt from Hans R. Vincent's book, which is about the value of Holistic & Integral Thought right now:
In modern philosophy too has been sought for the fundamentals of a new way of living and thinking. Most authors lack a recognition of the spiritual dimension of life. Though Sartre doesn't only concern himself with society, but also with individual consciousness. The question where that consciousness came from, is not or barely asked by him. That question does not belong to the "existential". Marcuse speaks of 'awareness' and about 'reason', but in a societal context. Fromm includes psychology in his testimonies, but avoids the spiritual dimension as much as possible, although he didn't reject it at all.
There are other, more culture philosophical oriented streamings, that have criticism on our western society because of the prevalent materialistic thinking and life style. This is not only a big limitation for the individual man, because he does not know his own nature, but it is also harmful for man and his relations with his fellow man and nature.
Because of the one-sided emphasis on production and consumption, people become each others competitors. Our 'open' society stimulates the struggle for social status, wealth and power. What is being called self development is not that humanitarian. There is also insufficient attention for the consequences of our life style in the Third World, for the damage to the natural environment and the consequences thereof for humanity in its totality.
The criticism towards materialism is found mostly in the philosophical streaming, that takes an integral or holistic approach. This streaming is much less known in academic circles than existentialism or neo-marxism and that's a pity. Because precisely in this present time with its social-psychological and ecological problems a lot more attention should be paid to integral and holistic thought.
I am free
Robert Anton Wilson's Quantum Psychology
It also covers psychosomatic healing and a possible explanation for it; non-local effects in quantum physics (Bell's Theorem) and the theories of David Bohm; and a brief recap of the Timothy Leary eight-fold consciousness theory of human consciousness which Prometheus Rising covers in much greater detail.
Check out an excerpt E and E-prime:
In 1933, in Science and Sanity, Alfred Korzybski proposed that we should abolish the "is of identity" from the English language. (The "is of identity" takes the form X is a Y. e.g., "Joe is a Communist," "Mary is a dumb file-clerk," "The universe is a giant machine," etc.) In 1949, D. David Bourland Jr. proposed the abolition of all forms of the words "is" or "to be" and the Bourland proposal (English without "isness") he called E-Prime, or English-Prime.
A few scientists have taken to writing in E-Prime (notable Dr. Albert Ellis and Dr. E.W. Kellogg III). Bourland, in a recent (not-yet-published) paper tells of a few cases in which scientific reports, unsatisfactory to sombunall members of a research group, suddenly made sense and became acceptable when re-written in E-Prime. By and large, however, E-Prime has not yet caught on either in learned circles or in popular speech. Read on
Obama-Biden 08: Change you can believe in: War=Peace
Two uptight arrogant white (:p) guys, I can feel the change already lol...
War = Peace
Freedom = Slavery
Ignorance = Strength
War = Peace
Freedom = Slavery
Ignorance = Strength
"I am a Zionist, you don't have to be a Jew to be a Zionist." Joe Biden
Obama & Biden = Obi
"Obie Trice, real name, no gimmicks (hopenosis)."
Obie Trice
"I created a monster, cause nobody wants to see martial law no more, they want hope, Obama's chopped liver." modified Eminem :p
Obama Exposed
Obama Exposed
An overview of the people (all the same of the previous administrations) who surround Obama. Zbigniew Brezinski one of Obama's top advisors bragged about being responsible for the creation of the Jihadist movement. And check out the crazy stuff going on in this vid: one of Obama's top advisors Albreight on Russia.
An overview of the people (all the same of the previous administrations) who surround Obama. Zbigniew Brezinski one of Obama's top advisors bragged about being responsible for the creation of the Jihadist movement. And check out the crazy stuff going on in this vid: one of Obama's top advisors Albreight on Russia.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Levels of Consciousness, Spiral Dynamics (& Bipolar Disorder)
Levels of Consciousness, Spiral Dynamics (& Bipolar Disorder)
PsycheTruth has a lot of informative vids on many topics.
Daily Conspiracy: Reptilians (teehee)
At first I told him only the highlights; thus, when I came to the dragon-like creatures, I skipped their arrival from space and only said, "There were these giant black animals, something like great bats, longer than the length of this house, who said that they were the true masters of the world." There is no word for dragon in Conibo, so "giant bat" was the closest I could come to describe what I had seen. He stared up toward me with his sightless eyes, and said with a grin, "Oh, they're always saying that. But they are only the Masters of Outer Darkness." He waved his hand casually toward the sky. I felt a chill along the lower part of my spine, for I had not yet told him that I had seen them, in my trance, coming from outer space. I was stunned. What I had experienced was already familiar to this barefoot, blind shaman. Known to him from his own explorations of the same hidden world into which I had ventured. From that moment on I decided to learn everything I could about shamanism.
Excerpt from anthropologist Michael Harner's book "Way of the Shaman." Speaking about his first Ayahuasca experience.
In trance-states all sorts of therianthropic (half-man/half-animal) creatures can be observed, of which reptilians are just one variety. Though this page doesn't attempt to debunk the reptilian theory, they could be both extra-dimensional & extra-terrestrial-biological and present here. But I believe this page shows a broader view. The shaman could mean we are the true co-creating masters of reality. He could also mean they aren't here. He could mean lots of things ;) Embrace all views and don't get bogged down by any one idea. Believe nothing! it's the highest form of intelligence.
Art by Vincent Chong. Looks less reptilian but very similar to Michael Harner's description and oughta scare the crap a little less outta ya :p
The History of Satanism
Thursday, August 21, 2008
John Lilly's Simulations of God - Science of Belief excerpt 5

God as the Belief, the Simulation, the Model
In the modern world the distribution of the written and spoken word and the distribution of motion pictures and videotapes has become so widespread that those in charge of these media have constructed a new god, the God of Belief, the God of Simulation, the God of the Model. As was demonstrated by the owners of newspapers in the beginning of this cnetury, God as Power can be controlled and expressed through the belief, the simulation, and the model as expressed in language.
Those in control of the distribution of ideas thorugh the media have access to manipulation of power such as the world has never seen. The modern communication satellites, modern radio and TV, are demanded by masses of people. In most metropolitan areas the most commonly stolen objects are TV sets. The believers in the media want to be sure they stay in contact with what the media are saying.
Language can be used in many different ways; it is one of the most flexible instruments ever invented. It can be used to transmit essential information, to predict, to give instructions, to program individuals or large groups, to express very precisely very precise ideas; it can be used to harangue crowds, to excite war and its concomitant activities, to construct computers, to control the human species.
However, language is not universal. There are too many languages on the face of the earth to allow of universality. Therefore, there are discrepancies across language barriers: discrepancies in belief, in simulations, in models of reality and in models of one another. The devil is buried in language, as is God. As linguists have shown over the last fifty years, there is no primitive language left among humans. Every language which previously was called primitive, when looked at more carefully and studied more deeply than before turned out to be an extremely sophisticated instrument for communication of man's inner states.
Language itself contains mysteries. The study of semantics, of logic, of proto-logic has led ever deeper into theories, the science of the human, all science. As semantics, becomes polished, as mathematics matures, our beliefs, simulations, and models and their power are all improved-the power to dissuade from a belief, to construct a belief to take the place of another belief, to acquire simulations "as if true." The power of models where one's life is sacrificed in the service of models is also present in the advance of semantics, linguistics, and mathematics. God as the Word, God as the Sentence, God as the Meaning, God as the Belief rule our social reality.
Buckminster Fuller on "Death"
Buckminster Fuller on "Death"
Ends a little weird but cool video of Bucky Fuller's thoughts on death.
Daily Conspiracy: Government
"What would you think of a man who not only kept an arsenal in his home, but was collecting at enormous financial sacrifice a second arsenal to protect the first one? What would you say if this man so frightened his neighbors that they in turn were collecting weapons to protect themselves from him? What if this man spent ten times as much money on his expensive weapons as he did on the education of his children? What if one of his children criticized his hobby and he called that child a traitor and a bum and disowned him? And he took another child who obeyed him faithfully and armed that child and sent it out into the world to attack neighbors? What would you say about a man who introduces poisons into the water he drinks and the air he breathes? What if this man not only is feuding with the people on his block but involves himself in the quarrels of others in distant parts of the city and even in the suburbs?
Such a man would clearly be a paranoid schizophrenic... with homicidal tendencies."
Robert Anton Wilson
"Every government is run by liars and nothing they say should be believed."
I.F. Stone
"How many does it take to metamorphose wickedness into righteousness? One man must not kill. If he does it is murder. But a state or nation may kill as many as they please, and it is not murder... Only get enough people to agree to it, and the butchery of myriads of human beings is perfectly innocent. But how many does it take?"
Adin Ballou, 1845
"An apt and true reply was given to Alexander the Great by a pirate who had been seized. For when that king had asked the man what he meant by keeping hostile possession of the sea, he answered with bold pride. 'What thou meanest by seizing the whole earth; but because I do it with a petty ship, I am called a robber, whilst thou who dost it with a great fleet art styled emperor.'"
St. Augustine
"Practically speaking, no government knows any limits to its power except the endurance of the people."
Lysander Spooner, Trial by Jury
"Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace!"
ironic slogan by Harry Elmer Barnes, historian
Interviewer: If you were elected president what's the first thing you would do?
Robert Anton Wilson: Resign.
He was harassed, but still he spoke with authority. He was, in fact, characteristic of the best type of dominant male in the world at this time. He was fifty-five years old, tough, shrewd, unburdened by the complicated ethical ambiguities which puzzle intellectuals, and had long ago decided that the world was a mean son-of-a-bitch in which only the most cunning and ruthless can survive. He was also as kind as was possible for one holding that ultra-Darwinian philosophy; and he genuinely loved children and dogs, unless they were on the site of something that had to be bombed in the National Interest. He still retained some sense of humor, despite the burdens of his almost godly office, and, although he had been impotent with his wife for nearly ten years now, he generally achieved orgasm in the mouth of a skilled prostitute within 1.5 minutes. He took amphetamine pep pills to keep going on his grueling twenty-hour day, with the result that his vision of the world was somewhat skewed in a paranoid direction, and he took tranquilizers to keep from worrying too much, with the result that his detachment sometimes bordered on the schizophrenic; but most of the time his innate shrewdness gave him a fingernail grip on reality. In short, he was much like the rulers of Russia and China.
'Illuminatus! Trilogy' description of the run-of-the-mill president
Such a man would clearly be a paranoid schizophrenic... with homicidal tendencies."
Robert Anton Wilson
"Every government is run by liars and nothing they say should be believed."
I.F. Stone
"How many does it take to metamorphose wickedness into righteousness? One man must not kill. If he does it is murder. But a state or nation may kill as many as they please, and it is not murder... Only get enough people to agree to it, and the butchery of myriads of human beings is perfectly innocent. But how many does it take?"
Adin Ballou, 1845
"An apt and true reply was given to Alexander the Great by a pirate who had been seized. For when that king had asked the man what he meant by keeping hostile possession of the sea, he answered with bold pride. 'What thou meanest by seizing the whole earth; but because I do it with a petty ship, I am called a robber, whilst thou who dost it with a great fleet art styled emperor.'"
St. Augustine
"Practically speaking, no government knows any limits to its power except the endurance of the people."
Lysander Spooner, Trial by Jury
"Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace!"
ironic slogan by Harry Elmer Barnes, historian
Interviewer: If you were elected president what's the first thing you would do?
Robert Anton Wilson: Resign.
He was harassed, but still he spoke with authority. He was, in fact, characteristic of the best type of dominant male in the world at this time. He was fifty-five years old, tough, shrewd, unburdened by the complicated ethical ambiguities which puzzle intellectuals, and had long ago decided that the world was a mean son-of-a-bitch in which only the most cunning and ruthless can survive. He was also as kind as was possible for one holding that ultra-Darwinian philosophy; and he genuinely loved children and dogs, unless they were on the site of something that had to be bombed in the National Interest. He still retained some sense of humor, despite the burdens of his almost godly office, and, although he had been impotent with his wife for nearly ten years now, he generally achieved orgasm in the mouth of a skilled prostitute within 1.5 minutes. He took amphetamine pep pills to keep going on his grueling twenty-hour day, with the result that his vision of the world was somewhat skewed in a paranoid direction, and he took tranquilizers to keep from worrying too much, with the result that his detachment sometimes bordered on the schizophrenic; but most of the time his innate shrewdness gave him a fingernail grip on reality. In short, he was much like the rulers of Russia and China.
'Illuminatus! Trilogy' description of the run-of-the-mill president
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
The Orion Conspiracy
The only new things are those which have been forgotten.
A short film by Seb Janiak
From the vid info: More than fifty years of misinformation and manipulation in the shadow of the media have divided and impoverished public opinion, so as to control it all the better. This film is neither a work of fiction, nor a documentary. (it's a bit of both :p) Forget the words "esoteric" or "fantastic", here we're speaking about REALITY...
The Orion Conspiracy part 1
The Orion Conspiracy part 2
A short film by Seb Janiak
From the vid info: More than fifty years of misinformation and manipulation in the shadow of the media have divided and impoverished public opinion, so as to control it all the better. This film is neither a work of fiction, nor a documentary. (it's a bit of both :p) Forget the words "esoteric" or "fantastic", here we're speaking about REALITY...
The Orion Conspiracy part 1
The Orion Conspiracy part 2
Etienne De Crecy's Hypercube
Etienne De Crecy live
After Daft Punk's Illuminated Triangle, Etienne De Crecy displays this Hypercube, Tesseract thingy. Check out another demo of the thing.
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