I can't even count the times people have sent me this faux rebel Naomi Wolf (in sheeps clothing) video, this pretty gesturing *censored* - who supports the official 9/11 version - is warning people about IMPENDING FASCISM! And her solution... is to VOTE FOR OBAMA. Yeah great plan! Guess what:

I wonder what all these shills are going to say when Obama is the one to implement fascism, oopsy? But look at my hair? ...
Added thanks Camoeron:
Check this out "some people are too stupid to vote" video on yahoo news, yeah about everyone that thinks their vote matters lol... [over here we HAVE to vote...]
Chavez: “Comrade Bush” a Socialist
"George Bush has been the target of fresh jibes by Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez for doing exactly what he was criticising the socialist leader for – overriding market laws to protect the economy."
I wonder what all these shills are going to say when Obama is the one to implement fascism, oopsy? But look at my hair? ...
Added thanks Camoeron:
"You're not the only one (with concerns), there's been a lot of debate about her on the prison planet forums the past few days. Link one, Link two. She definitely has some concerning associations. She was involved in Clinton's 1996 campaign, Gore's 2000 campaign, she was married to a Clinton speech writer until 2005, and she's been a contributor to the Huffington Post. In February she said she voted for Obama in the primary because he was the only one talking about Guantanamo detainees.Obama Sheeple Cheer Police Violation Of Free Speech
However, I haven't been able to find anything with her mentioning Obama since February, much less supporting him. She doesn't talk about Obama at all in this video and only mentions the elections because they are a catalyst for the coup she is describing. To me, it sounds like she's starting to wake up. She's trying to warn everybody that a fascist coup has taken place and that we need to organize a resistance to stop it."
Check this out "some people are too stupid to vote" video on yahoo news, yeah about everyone that thinks their vote matters lol... [over here we HAVE to vote...]
Chavez: “Comrade Bush” a Socialist
"George Bush has been the target of fresh jibes by Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez for doing exactly what he was criticising the socialist leader for – overriding market laws to protect the economy."
Naomi [ Know me] Wolf - social commentator from nowhere.
Dedroidify's Roundup, so much better than Monsanto's Roundup
I wasn't aware that Wolf supports the 'official' 9/11 story nor that she supports Obama, both pretty sad facts considering her stance on issues. But I see nothing wrong with her galvanizing the public and the legislature to arrest Bush and to make them aware of what's going on in regards to the domestic deployment of the CCMRF troops.
Despite whatever reasons you have for calling her a "Wolf in sheep's clothing" (and I am sure your reasons are very sound) I still recommend watching and even spreading this video.
Cheers aferrismoon! Much appreciated
You have to wonder wether these people can live with themselves, how the hell do they sleep, or how do they fool themselves so hard? etc. Mindboggling!
Hey Kakulja
"I wasn't aware that Wolf supports the 'official' 9/11 story nor that she supports Obama, both pretty sad facts considering her stance on issues."
It is!
"But I see nothing wrong with her galvanizing the public and the legislature to arrest Bush and to make them aware of what's going on in regards to the domestic deployment of the CCMRF troops."
Bush is not going to get arrested. There is no way it is ever going to happen. He will not get impeached. Pelosi made sure of that. The courts made sure of that. Resistance seems futile.
"Despite whatever reasons you have for calling her a "Wolf in sheep's clothing" (and I am sure your reasons are very sound) I still recommend watching and even spreading this video."
One thing that could be wrong with galvanizing the people and then just telling them to vote? More "potential troublemakers" ending up on the FEMA train list. While the next President will further the agenda she is supposedly rallying against.
Well maybe listening to it, I can't bare to watch this woman. At least I linked it right? ;p
I think it is bit too late to play friends of foes game, but it sure a good thing to expose everything related to her...
The most important point is:
-Her (Youtube) message is definitely discredit/distrust government credibility (People vs Government Authority) -- It resonate with the message in Zeitgeist Addendum.
-With or without her message --the war with Obama (Evil Elitist) will still continue as before...thus I believe Obama position as candidate is not getting better by Naomi Wolf message about corrupted President. (Do you think people will easily believe on next "President" image (if indeed still exist) after knowing that previous US President is a sick criminal?).
I do believe changes will getting more rapid close to 2012 -- including value to determine something, someone and almost everything use to believe by the society in the old way (some friends will become foes and the other way around).
Welcome to the chaos (mind-upgraded) era...
You make some excellent points Born, but I'd say
"Do you think people will easily believe on next "President" image (if indeed still exist) after knowing that previous US President is a sick criminal?)."
Yup, absolutely lol... people will believe pretty much anything they are made to believe. And only a small percentage knows how sordid Bush really is. Most of them just think he's a bad politician going to be replaced with a better one...
"Do you think people will easily believe on next "President" image (if indeed still exist) after knowing that previous US President is a sick criminal?)."
I've often wondered if this wasn't the point! When you look at the current president's track record, he almost seems so bad that you'd swear it was intentional. If/when a successor takes office, people will be so "relieved" (and their expectations will be so low) they'll allow the new president to do anything s/he wants and compared to the existing administration, the new administration would appear to be our savior.
If people think Bush is this bad by accident, and he is able to finish his term, I don't know how the hell people are going to wake up. I mean if you have an incompetent president wouldn't you do anything in your power to get him out? Wouldn't the democrats do that? Nope, because Pelosi blocked impeachement attempts. Because a blowjob is apparently more serious than the crazy shit Bush pulled.
Of course it's intentional, it's so loud. That's the system of politics you're describing.
Oh Bush was bad, but Clinton was so good. Oh W was bad, but Obama will fix everything - he won't. It's one big club and we're not in it.
When someone being suspected as a (popular) terrorist or criminal for example, within count of few days all his/her interesting background and history will traced and known by the public widely via newspaper, tv and other media including: his/her home, wife, husband, parents, girlfriend, born place and so on.
Now, think about this fact carefully:
There were 2 PRESIDENTS of The U.S which their father/grandfather's organization had connection with NAZI and American public doesn't know about it until recent days (after they got elected). What the....??? The fact about Prescott Bush organization is written in history...for those who might argues that MAINSTREAM MEDIA and especially their OPPOSITION CANDIDATES/PARTY in the election doesn't know about it ...or having curiosity lo look after their 'enemy' background. (Ps. Do you still think their opponent still need to go through 'ritualistic-silly live debate session' if certain fact is already in their hand?)....Gosh, Do you realize what have they (most politicians) REALLY done to the American People? (and even dear to do it until today).
My point is; The terms which said "Lets fix/improve our political value/system/ or how our politic works" is actually sad and stupid -- because IT IS NEVER was (ONLY) about politic..so there is no use to be committed, involved, trapped, debate or fighting each other in, or about it! There is no use to try to fix the problems by looking at any common value/tools/solutions available in past (perhaps; including monetary and law), because almost all of them were actually fantasy...America has been long time living in a giant fish tank (system) -- and they can see you trough it....
Okay, I do find her background questionable, but I also find a lot of the content in the interview very interesting, especially in terms of the development of a police state and the ways in which we are willingly and blindly giving up our "liberties."
I think declaring Naomi Wolf as all bad or all good misses the point and kind of repeats this cycle of the very politics so many of us are critical of -- "pick a side and stick to it."
Why are we so afraid of taking some of her points seriously? No one source of information is entirely pristine and I think it takes discernment and personal responsibility to really take everything seriously before we even begin to dismiss anything at all.
What I've been seeing around me as of late are a lot of people waking up - albeit slowly - to the state of things. And, like Naomi Wolf's, their backgrounds are also very interesting, if not more blatantly evangelist/conservative/apolitical. Does this mean that their efforts to come to a deeper understanding of our disturbing reality without value?
That it's really this "you are either WITH us or AGAINST us" logic that so many so-called "truth-seekers" are so critical of?
It's important to remain conscious of the past, but sometimes we'll find particles of truth in the most interesting places.
"Why are we so afraid of taking some of her points seriously?"
Everybody here is taking her points seriously...
"And, like Naomi Wolf's, their backgrounds are also very interesting, if not more blatantly evangelist/conservative/apolitical"
She was involved in Clinton's 1996 campaign, Gore's 2000 campaign, she was married to a Clinton speech writer until 2005. Oops...
"That it's really this "you are either WITH us or AGAINST us" logic that so many so-called "truth-seekers" are so critical of?"
See the entire section called "ADDED:" in the post, next time stupidity like this gets deleted, I can't understand you people, why don't you READ a post before commenting on it? Wouldn't that seem useful? No, your silly little opinion is more important, will guess how you look now so congratulations.
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